
Another Unfortunate Heat Exposure Death in Arizona

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Calendar wise – summer is over by the end of August / beginning of September. Even though summer is officially over, the heat continues for most of the fall in many Southern and Western States like Florida and Arizona. Maya Peabody, a 2 year old,died recently in Arizona. Apparently, the family took several vehicles to breakfast and then returned home later that day. One of the children, age 2, was left in the car by accident. A few hours later, the family discovered that the 2 year old was left in the car. The family rushed the child to a local hospital where the child was pronounced dead. The local department of welfare, children, and families along with the local police department will conduct an investigation to determine if criminal charges will be brought against any of the family members for child neglect.

Parents, grandparents, caregivers, counselors, and teachers should be diligent in removing children from unattended cars especially when there are extreme temperatures. Whether it is the summer, winter, or any other time of year, always make sure that your children are safely removed from a vehicle to avoid child injuries and death. You can read more about the Maya Peabody tragedy at Child Dies After Being Left in a Car in Arizona.

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