
Are Teddy Bears More Likely to Cause Child Injury Than Grizzly Bears?

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

You might be surprised to find out that in everyday life, commonplace items or activities are much more likely to be dangerous or even fatal than the alarming accidents we hear about on the news each night. Unfortunately, people are much more likely to use caution when they are in a situation they perceive as being dangerous than they are when doing normal activities. But 1 million Americans are seriously injured in their own kitchens every year – and that is only one room in the house.

An example that parents should be especially aware of is the teddy bear. Which is more dangerous – a teddy bear or a real bear? In the last eighty nine years, eighty two Americans have been killed in bear attacks. Teddy bears and other toys account for twenty two deaths each year, and nearly one hundred and fifty thousand injuries. Most of these deaths and injuries happen to children. The most common teddy bear hazard is the small parts that can fall off and become choking hazards, like their glass eyes. Teddy bears are also tripping hazards. Tripping and falling can cause no harm at all or can result in death, if the child trips and falls down a flight of stairs or hits his or her head on the sharp corner of a coffee table.

So while you should use caution while hiking in the woods with your children, it is even more important to make sure that their toys are age-appropriate, that they are picked up and put away after use, and that they don’t have any small parts that can break off.

Read about more everyday, little known hazards at Dangers Of The Commonplace.

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