
Bicycle Helmets Reduce the Risks of Personal Injuries and Head Injuries to Children – Advice for Parents and Others

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

When a child is on a bicycle, tricycle, skateboard, or other riding object, a helmet should always be worn. Whether it is just for a short ride in the driveway or a longer ride, children should always wear a helmet. It has been reported that approximately 135 lose their lives from bicycle related injuries every year. Over 260,000 bicycle injuries are also reported annually. Many injuries can be reduced or prevented with the proper and consistent use of a bicycle helmet. Parents, babysitters, teachers, day care providers, and coaches should make sure that children wear helmets. Don’t make any exceptions to this most important safety rule for children. See Bicycle Helmets Reduce Injuries – Proper Uses and Wearing of Bicycle Helmets.

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