
Third Grade Student Shot at Armin Jahr Elementary School in Bremerton Washington

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In the State of Washington, children should be provided a safe educational environment. Unfortuantely, children are injured at schools, day care centers, and playgrounds. Some injuries and incidents are preventable with more timely care and supervision. Other incidents are tragic and there is no blame to lay on the person, school, or day care center. A recent shooting was reported at Armin Jahr Elementary School in Bremerton Washington. It was reported that a third grader was accidentally shot by another student at the school. It is believed that another third grader had brought the gun to the school. In cases of this nature, there are several issues that will be part of the investigation including but not limited to the following:

Who was the owner of the gun?

How did the child get possession of the gun?

What supervision was provided to the child at home?

Had weapons been brought into the school before?

How did the gun discharge at the school?

Could any actions by the school staff have prevented the incident?

You can read more about this incident at 3rd Grader Shot at Elementary School in Bremerton Washington.

The book titled – The ABCs of Child Injury – Legal Rights of the Injured Child – What Every Parent Should Know – has chapters on School Injuries, Day Care Center Injuries, Damages / Compensation, and other topics. Get this book for free at The ABCs of Child Injury.

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