By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network A government study reported that approximately 100 children died and 2000 were injured as a result of vehicle backover accidents in 2007. The study was released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The study was in response to a…
Articles Posted in Bicycle Injuries
What is a vehicle blind zone? What is a vehicle backover accident? Children Are at Risk for Injury and Death
By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network What is a vehicle blind zone? What is a vehicle backover accident? Children in all States are at risk for injury or death from vehicle backover accidents. A vehicle blind zone is the area behind a vehicle that a person…
Safety Council Recommends Ban on Cell Phone / Mobile Phones by Drivers
By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Distracted and negligent drivers cause accidents every day in various States. Many safety groups, parents, and child safety advocates would like to see laws banning the use of cell phone / mobile phones while driving. These proponents of changes in…
Georgia – Liability of Parents and Car Owners for Negligence of Teenage Drivers
By Stephanie Brown and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Georgia, a parent can be held liable for the negligence of a child driving an automobile that is maintained by the parent for the use and convenience of his family. If the parent, as the owner…
11 Year Old Boy Injured When BMX Style Bicycle Brake Fails in Derby (New Haven County) Connecticut
By Jeremy Vishno and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Derby, Connecticut, an 11 year old boy had just received his first new bicycle for Christmas. It was a BMX style bicycle, with grinding bars and front handle bars that could spin completely around, allowing for…
Special Needs Trust and Personal Injury Settlement / Compensation in Georgia and Other States
By Stephanie Brown and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Parents and caregivers of children who receive compensation or monetary settlements for personal injury cases should pay attention to the issue of qualification for benefits. Typically, a special needs child receives federal and state benefits based on…
Child Safety and Prevention of Injuries and Death: Key Mission for
By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network I found a very helpful and resourceful site called dedicated to child safety and the prevention of injuries and death from non-traffic motor vehicle related incidents. “Non-traffic motor vehicle related incidents” – What is this referring to? It refers…
KCCI Des Moines Iowa TV Station Reports on Distracted Drivers – Dangers to Iowa Children
By Thomas J. Duff and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network KCCI Des Moines Iowa TV Station did an excellent study and program on distracted drivers. Distracted driving can result from common everyday activities that do not exactly combine well with the physical and mental requirements of…