Articles Posted in Burn Injuries & Medical Care


Can a Day Care Center, Summer Camp, or School Be Held Liable if a Child Suffers Sunburn or Burn Related Injuries?

By  David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog During the summer months, the temperature in various parts of the United States can easily exceed 100 degrees.  For children, especially those prone or susceptible to sunburn complications, the hot summer weather combined with poor supervision and common sense on the…


What are the Rights of a Child Suffering Burn Type Personal Injuries at a Day Care Center?

By  David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network While under the care of a day care center, a child should be supervised in a safe and clean environment.  Here are a few things that we know about all children and especially toddlers and infants. *  Children are curious. *  Children…


What if a Child is Injured by Fireworks in a Neighborhood, Public Park, Community Celebration, or Stadium? Fireworks Injuries and Children

By  Keith Kerfeld, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network During the month of July and especially on or near the Fourth of July, fireworks are commonly ignited. Some fireworks are set off at the family home while others are at a more former celebration like a public…


What are the Rights of a Child who Suffers Burn Injuries While Under the Supervision of a Day Care Center?

By  Andrew Baker, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Ohio and other States, day care centers have a duty to properly staff and supervise children under the care of the day care center.  When corners are cut and rules are violated, children can and…


Scald Injuries / Burn Injuries to Children – Risks and Causes

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Scalding injuries continue to take place every year. These injuries can have a life time injuries – physically, emotionally and appearance – for a child. It is estimated that about one million Americans suffer burn related injuries on an annual…


Toddler Suffers Second Degree Burns at North Tulsa Oklahoma Day Care Center – Legal Rights and Responsibilities

By Roy S. Dickinson, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network An unfortunate incident occurred took place at a day care center in North Tulsa Oklahoma when one-year old Madilynn McDaniel took her shoes off while on the playground. Because the Summer heat in North Tulsa,…


Kitchen Fire in Houston Texas Day Care Center Leads to Deaths of Three Children

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Three children were tragically killed in a kitchen fire that occurred at the children’s Houston, Texas, residential daycare. Rick Flanagan, spokesman for the Houston Fire Department, said the victims ranged in age from 18-months to 3-years-old.…


Dangers of Children Playing with Matches and Lighters – Brooklyn, New York Fire Results in Death of Four Month Old Girl (Aniyah Vaughan)

By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network It is well known that children are curious. Unfortunately, many children also do not recognize the dangers of lighters and matches. Child’s play with flammable producing items like matches and lighters can lead to dangerous fires…


Tragic Fire in Seattle Suburb (Redmond, Washington) Leads to Death of 4 Children and 1 Adult – No Fire Sprinklers in Place

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Redmond, Washington, a tragic fire was reported that involved the unfortunate and tragic deaths of 4 children and 1 adult. The incident took place on January 1, 2011. The blaze resulted in the response of six fire departments as…


Go Cart and Mini Bike Recall Due to Dangers of Burn Injuries to Children and Others

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Baja Motorsports, a Phoenix-based company, recently recalled 308,000 mini bikes and go-carts after a child was seriously burned. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the gas caps on the Chinese-made vehicles can detach or leak, posing a fire…

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