Articles Posted in Abuse & Neglect


What are the Legal Rights of a Child Suffering a Fracture at a Day Care Center?

Parents rely on day care centers to provide a safe environment for their children during the workday.  In most instances, a child is cared for by a trained individual who has the best interests of the child in mind. Unfortunately, far too many children are injured a day care centers…


What is the Statute of Limitations for a Sex Abuse Case?  Depends on the State – Trend Towards Increasing SOL

The statute of limitations is the time period by which a party or victim needs to take legal action to enforce rights and / or seek financial compensation for the negligence or intentional harm caused by a person, business, and / or government entity.  These time limits are proscribed or…


What Are the Legal Rights of a Child Who Suffers a Head Injury at a Day Care Center?

In Michigan and other states, parents rely on day care center to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment during the workday. Whether a child attends an in-home day care center or a commercial day care center, it is important that the child is supervised by a caring and patient…


What if a Child is Hit at a Day Care Center and it is Caught on Video? Civil and Criminal Consequences of Child Abuse

By David A. Wolf, Attorney – Child Injury Lawyer Blog When a child is injured at a day care center, it can at times be a mystery as to how and why the child was injured.  This is especially true when a day care center work lies or hides acts…


What if a Child Suffers a Head Injury / Brain Injury in a Day Care Center – Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)?

By David A. Wolf, Attorney Child Injury Lawyer Blog In Oklahoma and other states, hard working parents rely on day care centers for the proper supervision and education of their children.   With both single parents and dual income parents, day care centers have become a necessity in order for…


What if an Infant or Toddler Dies as a Result of Breathing Problems, SIDS, or Blunt Force Trauma While in a Day Care Center? Legal Rights of the Parents

By David A. Wolf Child Injury Lawyer Blog Working parents do their best to support the family.  In doing so, working families need the services of day care centers.  Most day care centers are well run by caring individuals.  However, there are many day care incidents and wrongful death incidents…


What if a Child is Abused, Neglected or Molested in a Day Care Center? Legal Rights of the Injured Child

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog Busy working parents rely upon day care centers, child care centers, and summer camps to provide a safe learning environment for children. On most days for most children, there is excellent education, supervision, and care.  Unfortunately, for far too many…


What are the Legal Rights of the Child Hit, Punched or Abused in a Day Care Center or School?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog In Connecticut and other States, day care centers, schools, and summer camps should be safe havens for children. Unfortunately, at these very locations, children are subject to abuse, neglect, and corporal punishment. Let’s face it. Children, at times, will misbehave…


What is the Difference Between a Criminal Case and a Civil Case When a Child Is Molested or Abused at a Day Care Center?

By David Wolf, Attorney and Samantha Vloedman, Law Clerk Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog When a child is being cared for at a day care center, school, summer camp, or other person / entity, a parent should be able to rely on the good nature of people and organizations…


What are the Legal Rights of a Child Who Suffers a Head Injury or Skull Fracture at a School, Summer Camp, or Day Care Center?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog Child care providers should provide each and every child with a safe environment.  There is a duty to provide reasonable and necessary supervision.  While a day care center owner is not liable for every injury that takes place, it can be held…

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