
Articles Posted in Abuse & Neglect


High Risk 18 Year Old Sex Offender May be Released in North Carolina Without Treatment

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network An immigrant from Guatemala may be released in North Carolina within the next year or so due to his immigration status and lack of funds for treatment. When the man was 15 year old, he was convicted of raping his…


Virginia Beach Couple Arrested for Leaving 6 Year Old in Charge of 4 Year Old

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network A Virginia Beach couple was arrested for leaving two children, ages 6 and 4, home alone without any supervision or babysitters. Julie Hammock and Clinton Harris, both employed by the United States Navy, left their children alone in the home.…


Indianapolis, Indiana Man Beats 14 Month Old Toddler for Disrespect – Criminal Charges Being Pursued

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Children should respect their elders; however, no child should be physically harmed or beaten especially those under the age of 2. In Indianapolis, Indiana, Tayaun Chism (an 18 year old man) beat his girlfriend’s 14 month old toddler – Lilliana…


Website and Volunteer Group Dedicated to Victims of Priest Sexual Abuse – Survivors First

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Survivors First is a volunteer from that was formed in 2002 to inform and educate victims of priest sexual abuse their treatment / recovery options. Furthermore, the mission of this group is to keep kids safe. Parents and caregivers should…


Abuse and Assaults by School Volunteers – A Nationwide Problem

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Schools in Kansas and throughout the nation have school volunteers that assist teachers and administers with activities, lessons, special events, and field trips. A school generally benefits from the involvement of parents and school volunteers. Unfortunately, many of these volunteers…


Operation Cross Country III Results in Arrest Nationwide – Three Michigan Kids Rescued

By Andrew Prine, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network A nationwide sweep of child prostitution rings resulted in the arrest of 571 people in 21 cities. In Michigan, three children were rescued from one of the prostitution rings. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) along…


Oregon Parents on Meth Had 5 Unrestrained Children in Car

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Parents have a special responsibility and duty to raise their children and provide for their health, safety and welfare. Driving children around town on drugs is truly a dangerous situation. Furthermore, drug use and abuse distract from a parent’s responsibility…


Mother Convicted of Child Abuse / Cruelty for Allowing 3 Year Old To Light Cigarette and Smoke

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network A British mother was convicted of child cruelty (child abuse) for allowing her 3 year old to light a cigarette and smoke it. How do we know this happened? Well, there was a video of the child smoking recorded on…


Indiana Teacher Fired from Job for Duct Taping Special Needs Child’s Mouth Shut

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Special needs children / students need to have proper supervision and patience from teachers in Indiana and other States. In Lafayette, Indiana, a special need middle school teacher was fired by the school board for duct taping a student’s mouth…


New York Mother, Who Drowned and Killed Three Children, Pleads Guilty by Reason of Mental Disease or Defect

By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Mothers are supposed to care and protect their children – not drown and kill them. Tragically, Leatrice Brewer, age 28, did just that. Leatrice Brewer pleaded guilty by reason of mental defect or diseased for crimes…

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