
Articles Posted in Crimes Against Children


Maryland Man Pleads Guilty to Distributing Child Pornography – Arranged Meeting with Undercover Cop Posing as a Teen Girl

By Benjamin A. Klopman, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Maryland, Steven Kruger, age 63, pled guilty to distributing child poronography. Mr. Kruger thought he was sending text / e mails to a 13 year old girl. In reality, he was communicating with an…


Facebook Used by 18 Year Old (Anthony Stanci) to Trick and Blackmail Teenage Boys for Sex

By Jonathan Safran, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Anthony Stanci, age 18, has been arrested for blackmailing teenage boys for sex and having sex with minors in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. According to news reports, Stanci set up an account on Facebook, a popular social networking…


Jackson, Tennessee Teacher Arrested for Statutory Rape for Having Sex with 14 Year Old Boy

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Parents in the West Carroll County School District in Tennessee got some disturbing news recently about a Melissa McCord, a 35 year old special education teacher. Apparently, Ms. McCord sent and received sexually explicit photos and notes to a 14…


My Space Social Networking Website Kicks Out 90,000 Sex Offenders

By Jeremy Vishno and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Richard Blumenthal, Attorney General for the State of Connecticut, headed up a campaign to remove sex offers and child predators from My Space, a popular social networking site used by children, young adults, and adults. Blumenthal was…


Phoenix, Arizona (Ed Pastor Elementary School) Teacher Arrested for Sexual Conduct with a Student / Minor

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network A 49 year old teacher was arrested for having sex with one of her 14 year old students. The teacher, Rosana Brown, used modern technology to lure the student to a hotel room. Brown text messaged the boy to meet…


Burlington Vermont Man (Manny Francis) Arrested for Cruelty and Abuse to Child

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network <img alt="hand%20fist%20black%20and%20white%20held%20up.jpg" src="" width="122" height="150" align="left" The Crittenden Unit for Special Investigations (Vermont) uncovered evidence of child abuse and neglect involving a 3 year old child. CUSI officials reported that Manny Francis inflicted serious physical abuse on the 3 year…


Parents Settle Lawsuit Against Huntington Beach, California for Wrongful Death of Teenager Who Was Shot by Police

By Stephanie Brown and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network The parents of a teenage girl filed a wrongful death lawsuit following the death of their 18 year old daughter. The girl was shot and killed by Huntington Beach police officers when they responded to a 911…


Who Is Your Child Chatting With Online? Good Advice from Folkston Georgia Police Chief Wesley Green

By Stephanie Brown and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Do You Know Who Your Children Are Chatting With (Online)? is an article posted on the Charlton County (Georgia) Herald Website. The article notes the increasing popularity of My Space, Facebook and other Websites and the dangers…


Virginia Parents Charged in Death of Infant from Malnutrition and Dehydration

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Lindwood Jones, Jr. and Shawntay D. Jones have been arrested and charged with their daughter’s death in Suffolk, Virgina. WAVY-TV 10 reported that the parents were charged for first degree murder. Zanya K. Jones died on December 1. Zanya was…


Bureau of Milwaukee Wisconsin Child Welfare – Failure to Protect At-Risk Children

By Jonathan Safran, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In another sad example of how the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare has failed to protect the most vulnerable children of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a 29-year–old mother of five has now been charged with Child Neglect Causing…

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