
Articles Posted in Crimes Against Children


Utah Child Rapist Sentenced to Life in Prison Without Possibility of Parole

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network A St. George, Utah man was recently sentenced to life in prison without parole. Marc Clifton Bryant was convicted of the heinous crime of rape and torture of a 16 year old girl with a screwdriver and a blow torch.…


Alcohol Interferes with Day Care and School Supervision

Watching a child in a day care center, child care center, or school requires that the child care worker be alert, awake, energetic, and diligent. Alcohol and illegal drug use certainly interfere with a person’s faculties to drive, make decision, and, yes, watch children. Most states have laws in place…


Dangers of Babysitting in Ohio – Babysitter (Nathan Beavers) Shot by 4 Year Old

By Will Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Babysitting can be a dangerous job. Just ask Nathan Beavers who was shot by a 4 year old he was babysitting in Jackson, Ohio. The 4 year old Ohio boy got upset because the babysitter accidentally…


Alabama Child Day Care Centers – Hazard Prevention – Responsibilities of Facility

By Scott Soutullo, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Alabama, child day care centers have a duty to provide children with a safe physical environment as to prevent personal injuries and wrongful death of children in the day care setting. Pursuant to Minimum Standards…


Special Needs Man Left on School Bus in New York on New Year’s Eve

By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Children, special needs adults, and the elderly need proper supervision and assistance especially when they are transported away from their homes and under the care of others. In New York, a special needs 22 year old…


Mom Sentenced for Suffocating Toddler in Indianapolis, Indiana

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Getting drunk can literally kill a child. In Indianapolis, Indiana, a mother was sentenced to 15 years of prison for suffocating her child. Police reported that Latasha McMorris (age 25) was found lying on top of 2 year old (Sheldon…


New Mexico Religious Cult Leader Sentenced for Sexual Misconduct with a Teenage Female Follower

By Al Thiel, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Religious cult leader Wayne Bent was sentenced to a prison term for sexual misconduct with a female follower. Bent, who is 67 years old, was sentenced to a maximum term of 18 years. At the sentencing…


Children Found Chained To a Tire on a Porch in Bellaire Ohio – Father Arrested

By Will Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network A Bellaire, Ohio man, Dimitrios Kriaris, is accused of child abuse and neglect for leaving two small children chained to a tire on a porch. There were also drugs found at the home. Neighbors called local…


Teenagers Arrested for Beating in Ogden, Utah – Video Evidence Posted on You Tube

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network An Ogden, Utah teenager was beaten by three teeangers and two adults. There was little evidence for the criminal and police investigation until the attackers posted a video of the attack on You Tube. A 15 year old student from…


Iowa Couple Cited for Child Endangerment – 7 Year Old Found in Sub Zero Temperatures

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Winter weather brings sub zero temperatures to many parts of the United States including Iowa. In Laurens, Iowa, authorities found a 7 year old walking around in sub zero temperature alone with inadequate clothing. The child was found and put…

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