Articles Posted in School Safety


What are the Legal Rights of Children Crossing the Street for a School Bus? Warning Signs. Be Aware. Drive Safe Near These Zones.

In Georgia and other states, there is a daily weekday routine that all drivers should be well aware of – children crossing the street prior to loading a school bus OR after unloading from a school bus. Most buses are a bright yellow color with stop signal arms and flashing…


What if is a Child is Left on a School Bus or Day Care Center Van? Legal Rights of the Child

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In the State of Washington and other States, schools and day care centers transport our most precious and important passengers – our children. In doing so, the school and day care center drivers have a legal responsibility to drive in a…


What are the Supervision Duties of Day Care Centers, Camps, and Schools During Field Trips?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network One of the best experience for a child enrolled in a day care center, school, or summer camp is the field trip. It certainly can be an adventure for the day to get out to a different location and have…


What are the Legal Rights of Children Injured on a School Bus?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network When a parent sends a child off to school on a school bus, it is the expectation of the parent that the child will be transported safely to and from school. Unfortunately, school bus accidents result from the negligent driving…


If Bullying Caught on Videotape or by Incident Report, Should a Parent Pursue a Case on Behalf of the Child Victim?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Maryland and other States, acts of bullying have been caught or recorded on videotape, iPhones, Droids, videocameras, and surveillance video. Some bullies know that there brutal acts are being recorded and some do not. Some bullies even post their…


What Are the Duties of a Day Care Center and Babysitter as to Window Safety?

By Jeremy Vishno, Attorney, and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In many homes, day care centers, schools, and other locations, there is a danger present for children. Simply enough, the danger presents itself in the form of an open window or a window that can be…


What are the Risks and Hazards of Doors Jams to Children in Homes, Day Care Centers, and Schools?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In homes, schools, and day care centers, children are at risk for serious personal injuries from an object present in every building – the door or door way. The National Safety Council estimates that there are 300,000 finger injuries from…


Dangers of Fights at or Near Schools – Safety and Liability for Personal Injuries – California Girl Dies Following Fight with Classmate

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In California and other States, school yard fights are still waged out there. The participants coul be from any grade and include boys and / or girls. It is interesting that some fights or brawls in o near schools are…


Are Emergency Policies and Procedures Important for School Bus Drives in North Carolina?

By John Jensen, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In North Carolina and other states, school boards of policies and procedures are often times available on the school Board’s website. Is it important to have these procedures in place? The answer is “Yes”. Is it…


Texas Child Hit by Driver While Walking from School Bus

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Texas and other States, drivers should exercise the utmost of caution when driving in or near an area of school bus stops. School buses are typically large, yellow vehicles that are easily seen. When a…

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