Articles Posted in Sport Related Injuries


What are the Duties and Responsibilities of a Trampoline Park? Legal Rights of the Injured Child

By David A. Wolf, Attorney – Child Injury Lawyer Blog Over the past few years, there has been a growth in the number and presence of trampoline parks and indoor bounce house locations and facilities.  While these recreation, sports, amusement park, and theme park attractions can be great ways to…


What are the Statistics Behind Injuries in Youth Sports? What Should be Done?

By  David Wolf, Attorney and Samantha Vloedman, Law Clerk Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog Throughout the United States, children are being injured in youth sports every day.  Certainly, there are risks in most every sport. However, many injuries can be prevented with better supervision. Furthermore, when a child is injured, it is…


Should Football as a Sport be Banned in High School? College? Everywhere?

By  David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog The recent death of a Louisiana High School student from what appears to be a football related injury raises a question as to the dangers of the sport as well as the future of the sport.  It was reported that Tyrell Cameron,…


Can Parents Sue a Gym, Summer Camp, or Other Athletics Program When a Child is Injured During a Sports Related Activity?

 By  David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog It is certainly an important part of childhood for most children to participate in some sports related activity.  From football to cheerleading to gymnastics to soccer and all sports in between and beyond, youth sports and related activities help make our children…


What if a Child is Injured While Playing on a Trampoline at a Home, School, Theme Park, or a Business?

By David Wolf, Attorney and Robert Fernicola, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network  Trampolines are common sites in most neighborhoods especially those with small children.  While a trampoline can provide children with an activity that is away from the computer, smart phone, X-Box, and other sedentary activities, the trampoline can…


Why are “Boundaries” Important in Youth Sports? Preventing Sexual Abuse and Molestation of Youth Athletes by Adult Coaches

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In most sports, there are boundaries that define the playing field or area including the following: Football – There are boundaries at for the endzone and sidelines. Tennis – There are boundaries on each side of the net. Baseball –…


What If a Child Is Injured Playing on a Trampoline? What Are the Legal Rights of the Injured Child

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Trampolines are common in most every community. Many commercial play areas also have trampolines for use by children. While trampolines can provide great fun and a form of exercise for children, trampolines are also well known hazards and risks to…


What Are My Child’s Legal Rights for a Personal Injury During a Cheerleading Practice, Game or Competition?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Cheerleading over the past 10 years has developed into a extremely competitive and dangerous sport. It is been quite some time since the role of cheerleaders has been relegated to the sidelines doing simple cheers and shaking Pom Poms. These…


Helmet to Helmet Play Leads to Serious Head Injury and Death for High School Football Player

By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network An Oswego County, New York high school student died from injuries suffered in a high school football game. Ridge M. Barden, a 16 year old student at Birdlebough High school, suffered severe head trauma when he…


Concerns Over Pop Warner Football for Young Children in Hawaii and Other States

By Michael P. Healy, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network A five year old Oahu, Hawaii child suffered severe head trauma as a result of playing tackle football. This child was transported to the hospital in critical condition, where he slipped into a coma. Oahu…

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