Articles Posted in Alabama


How Can Hot Car Deaths for Children be Avoided? Safety Measures and Laws

Every year, there are numerous reports of infants or toddlers mistakenly being left in hot cars resulting in their untimely death. Children have mistakenly been left in hot cars usually from their parents forgetting to drop them off by a day care center on their way to work. The temperature…


What are the Duties of Business Owners, Restaurants, and Property Owners as to Oil Traps, Grease Traps, and Other Areas on Premises?

There are common types of personal injury accidents or incidents that take place just about every day in any given geographic region – playground accidents, automobile accidents, bicycle accidents, and day care center incidents.   Then again, there are the not so common incidents that seem to be rare or…


How Many Day Care Centers in Alabama are Licensed versus Unlicensed by Religious Exemption?

By David Wolf, Attorney Child Injury Lawyer Blog In Alabama and a number other States, day care centers can be broadly separated into three groups:  Licensed, Unlicensed by Exemption, and Unlicensed by Violation.  While the licensure of a day care center does not guarantee that a day care center is…


What are the Legal Rights of Children in Alabama and Other States When They are Harmed by Food Products at a Day Care Center?

By  Scott Soutullo, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Alabama and other states, parents rely upon day care centers to provide for the proper supervision and care of the children during the working hours of the parents.  Due to the length of time that a…


What Are the Dangers and Risks of Teens or Employee Relatives at a Day Care Center?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Alabama and other States, most day care centers are required to apply for and maintain a license. For the reputable day care centers, background checks are completed to determine if the day care center employee has a criminal history…


When Does Corporal Punishment and Discipline of Children Go to Far?

By Scott Soutullo, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Alabama and other States, children will at times misbehave and disobey instructions by parents or guardians. While it is appropriate to punish punish or discipline a child for bad behavior, it is important for parents…


Former Cahaba Heights Alabama Day Care Worker Sentenced to Prison Term – “Mr. Bob” – Child Molestor

By Scott Soutullo, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Robert Eugene Frost, also known as “Mr. Bob” by the children and parents at a Cahaba Heights, Alabama, day care center, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for molesting a girl at the center. Frost…


Dangers of Day Care Centers Including Faith Based and Church Day Care Centers in Alabama and Other States

By Scott Soutullo, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Alabama and other States, trust is a vital component of placing a child in a day care center. If a parent has concerns or lacks the trust of a day care center or child care…


Montgomery, Alabama Child Abduction Attempt Failed at Hunter Missionary Baptist Church

By Scott Soutullo, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Montgomery, Alabama, there was an attempt to abduct a child who was at an Easter Egg Hunt at the Hunter Missionary Baptist Church. The child was abducted and placed into a vehicle. Fortunately, the child…


Prom Dress Controversy in Alabama – Punishment – Paddling or Suspension

By Scott Soutullo, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Alabama, Erica DeRamus attended her prom in a dress that her mother approved and liked. School officials did not like the dress and determined that the prom dress violated the student dress code. Erica and…

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