In Louisiana, a horrific incident was reported to take place on the Old Sabine River in the vicinity of Niblett’s Bluff Park. Three boys were riding a tube being pulled by a bass boat. The operator of the boat took a turn that resulted in the tube swinging out and hitting the side of the river bank. All three boys were ejected from the tube. One of the boys – 8 year old Damian Haines – was airlifted to West Calcasieu Hospital where he was later reported to be dead from what appears to be trauma related injuries. The other two boys suffered injuries but not as serious as Damian Haines. The operator of the boat was arrested as a result of this incident and charged with a number of serious crimes including intoxication, vehicular homicide, and reckless operation of a watercraft. You can read more about this incident at Boating – Tubing Accident Leads to Death of 8 Year Old Boy in Louisiana.
It should be noted that the pursuit of a personal injury case can be based on simple negligence. The acts do not need to be reckless in nature per se. It should also be noted that the pursuit of a personal injury case will depend in part on the available liability insurance in place. Many personal injury attorneys limit their respective caseloads to cases with liability insurance in place or a Defendant with the financial means to pay out a settlement or judgment. Many large businesses are self insured which means that the business chooses to be responsible for the injuries or deaths that take place during business operation that are the result of the negligence of the business and / or its employees. For instance, Wal-Mart Stores are mostly self insured which means that Wal-Mart does not carry liability insurance.
When a child is injured as a result of negligence or reckless conduct, it is important for parents to get the child medical as needed and as available. If a child dies as a result of the negligence or reckless conduct of others, there will be family gatherings and a funeral to deal with the aftermath of the child’s death. Whether a parent is dealing with a seriously injured child or the untimely passing of a child, there is a bit of stress on the parent, family, and extended family. When a parent is ready to do so, the parent should seek out legal advice to determine the applicable rights that were violated and the recommended and possible courses of action to take on behalf of the injured child.
Attorney David Wolf is the author of 11 books that focus on personal injury and child injury matters. He is the author of the book titled – The ABCs of Child Injury – Legal Rights of the Injured Child – What Every Parent Should Know. This book has chapters on Automobile Accidents, Day Care Center Injuries, School Injuries, Park and Playground Injuries, Swimming Pools – Water Parks, and Other Bodies of Water, and other topics. You can get this book for free at The ABCs of Child Injury. David Wolf is also the author of the book titled Cruise Ship and Boating Injuries – Remedies and Compensation – Don’t Let Your Legal Rights Get Pirated Away. This book has chapters on General Legal Issues, Medical Care – Treatment – and Documentation, Cruise Ship and Boating Accidents – Types of Common Injuries, Wrongful Death, and Settlement – Compensation – and Damages. You can get this book for free at Cruise Ship and Boating Injuries.