
College Student Dies – 911 Call – Delayed Response in New York

By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Brittany Zimmeran, a college student who had dreams of being a doctor, called a New York 911 operator as she was being attacked by a stranger. According to a subsequent investigation, the police did not respond to the scene for 48 minutes. By the time police arrived, Brittany had died. Her fiance found her body. The 911 operator claimed that she did not hear anything on the telephone call to 911; however, the tape recording of the call captured audible screams and gasps and what would seem like a struggle on the end of line held by Brittany Zimmerman.

The call was received by Dane County, New York 911. What was heard on the tape seems to be different than what the 911 operator heard on the call. 911 Emergency systems are in place in New York and other States as a means of getting police and medical help in times of an emergency whether caused by an unknown assailant or an automobile accident. If there is any concern whatsoever that someone like Brittany may be in danger of serious personal injury or death, police and emergency personnel should be dispatched immediately.

It is shame that the life of Brittany Zimmerman was lost to a senseless and cowardice act of violence. Some community out there lost a bright young woman who had her sights on helping people in the future by becoming a doctor.

You can read more about this story at Dane County (New York) College Student Dies Despite 911 Call.

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