
Conroe Texas 5 Year Old Suffers Serious Personal Injuries from Falling Branch

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In Texas and other States, falling tree branches can cause serious personal injuries to children and other visitors to homes. Because of this, it is important for homeowners and all property owners to maintain trees and landscapes so as to prevent personal injuries to children and other visitors. A homeowner could be liable for a fallen tree branch depending on the laws for the particular State. Some States Courts assess faults if the homeowner knew or should have known of the dangerous condition of the tree or tree branch. If there was visible rotting or weakness with a tree branch, then this could serve as the basis for liability against a homeowner.

In Conroe, Texas, a tragic incident took place while a child was at a family gathering. There was an swing tied to the tree but there was some concern that the tree was sturdy enough to handle the swing and occupants of the swing. When an adult tugged on the swing to see if it was sturdy enough – the tree branch came down and struck a child. The child was later life flighted to a hospital for treatment. You can read more about this story at Falling Tree Branch Critically Injured Conroe, Texas Child.

You can read more about homeowner’s insurance claims and child injuries in the book – “>The ABCs of Child Injury – Legal Rights of the Injured Child What Every Parent Should Know. You can receive a free copy of this book by clicking here.

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