
Edmond Oklahoma City Council Votes In Ban on Toy Guns Altered to Look Like Real Guns

By Roy S. Dickinson, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In Edmond, Oklahoma, the city council recently voted in an ordinance to ban toy guns that have been altered to look like real guns. Toy guns typically have an orange tip or other markings to distinguish it from a real gun. Unfortunately, many people including children have modified toy guns to make them look like real guns. This, in turn, creates a dangerous situation in that other people including law enforcement officers will have a problem distinguishing a real gun from a toy gun. Fines are now in place by the City of Edmond for having an altered toy gun and for threatening someone with a toy gun. You can read more about this story at Ban on Altered Toy Guns Goes Into Effect in Edmond Oklahoma.

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