
Georgia Day Care Centers – What Rules / Laws Apply to Swimming Pools and Water-Related Activities in Day Care Centers?

By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Pursuant to Rule 591-1-1.35 – Swimming Pools and Water-Related Activities – of the Georgia Rules and Regulations for Child Care Learning Centers, if a permanent swimming or wading pool is located on the center’s premises, the center must meet certain local regulations concerning the design, construction, operation and maintenance must be met. The swimming and wading pools must be inaccessible to children at the center except during supervised activities only.

The following are requirements for the supervision of children in water over two-feet deep.
– Provide continuous supervision during supervised activities. (If you would like to read the specific age requirements please read Rule 591-1-1.35 – Swimming Pools and Water-Related Activities – of the Georgia Rules and Regulations for Child Care Learning Centers). For more inadequate staff:child ratios during any water-relatd activity (i.e., swimming, fishing, boating or wading), at least one (1) additional staff member (in addition to the other requirements) is shall be available to rotate among the age groups as needed. As for wading pools, those shall be cleaned and filled with clean water for each day’s usage and emptied when not in use.

Also, no child shall participate in a swimming activity without the parents’ written permission.

When a child is abused or injured in a Georgia Day Care Center, it can be quite challenging for a parent to deal with the aftermath, stress, and trauma of such injuries to the child. The book titled The ABCs of Child Injury – Legal Rights of the Injured Child – What Every Parent Should Know – contains chapters on Child Abuse, School Injuries, Day Care Injuries, Damages / Compensation, and other topics. You can receive a free book on Child Injury Questions and Issues. The book is also available on the following websites: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the Apple iBookstore.

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