
Iowa Law – What Is Considered Child Abuse?

By Thomas J. Duff, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Tragically, children are abused in Iowa every. Some incidents of child abuse are reported and investigated by the Iowan Department of Human Services. Many, however, go unnoticed and unreported as the abused child injuries and needs remain hidden from authorities, law enforcement, teachers, family members and others. Every person who knows of or who suspects child abuse has a duty to report the suspected abuse / neglect. The Department of Human Services has the authority to conduct an assessment of a child who is allegedly the subject of child abuse. There are eight categories of child abuse as set forth in Section 232.68 of the Iowa Code. The categories are the following: physical abuse, mental injury, sexual abuse, child prostitution, exposure of children to drugs or presence of illegal drugs, denial of critical medical care, manufacturing or possession of drugs, and bestiality in front of a child.

If a child is abused or neglected in a school, day care center, summer camp, or other institution, a parent or caregiver may be able to pursue a civil case against the abuser through the services of an Iowa child injury attorney. A child should be given a voice and legal representation to seek compensation for the physical and psychological injuries resulting from the abuse and neglect.

You can read more about definitions of child abuse and how to report allegations of child abuse to the Department of Human Services – Abuse Under Iow Law and Reporting Requirements

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