
Kentucky 3 year Old Dies from Alleged Beating by Mother’s Boyfriend – Criminal Charges Filed

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Kentucky and other States, children are the unfortunate victims of abuse and neglect. Some children even die from abuse and neglect due to the abuse, neglect, and / or beatings by a family member, a boyfriend or girlfriend of a family member, a babysitter, and even other children in the household. It is certainly difficult to predict when abuse or neglect will occur if there are no prior arrests or any prior incidents of reported abuse or neglect. In Louisville, Kenucky, it was reported that a 3 year old died as a result of an alleged beating at the hands of the mother’s boyfriend. Criminal charges have been filed. it should be pointed out that the criminal defendant will be entitled to the services of a Kentucky criminal defense attorney or services of the public defender’s office. See Unconscious Boy Found by Local Police – Boy Was Severely Beaten.

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