
Law Bans Adults without Children at Miami Beach, Florida Playground

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Under a new law that goes into effect August 2010 in Miami, Florida will ban lone adults at designated Miami beach playgrounds. Adults found without accompanying minors will be asked to leave, and possibly fined. The ordinance, which was passed unanimously, was proposed by Miami Beach Commissioner, Jorge Exposito, after he witnessed a man “behave lewdly” in front of children at a Miami park. However, the ordinance is only effective in 19 newly designated “child-required” playground areas.

Opposition was voiced by a resident who regularly uses the playground equipment for exercise and has some constitutional issues. However, the law was passed with wide public support.

The ordinance resembled those of San Francisco and New York City, which makes it the responsibility of parents and park employees to report the violators to police. If you would like to read more on this new law see New Miami law makes it unlawful for lone adults to be in designated areas without accompanying children.

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