
Lynn Massachusetts Family Files a Lawsuit Against Day Care Center for Fall from Second Story Porch

By By Ryan E. Alekman, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In Lynn, Massachusetts, a personal injury lawsuit was filed against the owner and operators of a home-day care provider after their son fell from the home’s second story porch and crash head first in the cement. John Yasi, attorney for the Lynn family, said the young boy, Kelvin Sholola, sustained severe personal injuries including a brain injury and fractured bone in his forehead. Yasi also stated that Kelvin may suffer lifelong developmental issues because of the incident due to Kelvin’s age and the location of his personal injuries. The lawsuit against the Massachusetts day care operator, Lucilia Guerrero, who was licensed to operate the facility, left Kelvin, who was 21-months-old at the time, and his two other siblings unattended. Being left unattended, Kelvin fell from the second-floor porch of the home because of “rotted wooden slats and insufficient protective barricading.” The kids were apparently prohibited from being on the porch by the home’s state license. Therefore, the family is not only alleging the children were improperly on the porch, but also that they were unsupervised by Guerrero. Kelvin was “comatose for several days” after the incident. However, he is presently out of the hospital although his speech, amongst other things, have appeared to slow down in development. Guerrero eventually surrendered her license after the incident. For more on this story see Family files lawsuit after 2-year-old boy falls from porch of his home day care facility.

This injury, like many other childhood personal injuries, was preventable. Constant and consistent supervision is key to keep children from suffering severe or critical personal injuries that could have lifelong consequences.

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