Child Injury Lawyer Blog


Can a Day Care Center Be Held Liable for the Rough Handling of a Child by a Day Care Worker?

By  Jonathan Safran Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Wisconsin and other states, parents rely on day care centers for the supervision of their children during the work day.  In most instances, a child is cared for in a supportive and educational environment.  …


Is a Day Care Center Required to Have Video Surveillance in Place?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by the Child Injury Lawyer Blog Many day care centers across the nation have video surveillance equipment in place to monitor the children under the care of the day care center.  The video surveillance is also used to monitor the care being provided to the…


What are the Legal Rights of Children Subjected to Punishment and Abuse at a School or Day Care Center?

By  Steven R. Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Schools and day care centers should be a place in which children are cared for in a nurturing, clean, and supportive environment. Unfortunately, at some schools and day care centers, the child care providers bring…


What are the Legal Rights of Children Molested, Assaulted or Abused at a Day Care Center?

By  David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Legal Rights of the Injured Child Across the nation, parents rely upon the facilities to supervise their children in an educational environment that is  clean, healthy, and supportive. Most day care centers and childcare providers do a wonderful job in…


What are the Risks to Children in North Carolina Day Care Centers When Rules are Violated?

 By  David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In North Carolina and other states, day care centers are subject to various rules and regulations.  Most day care laws are governed by state statute. There are some local ordinances as well.  When rules and regulations are violated, children are…


What are the Legal Rights of Children in Alabama and Other States When They are Harmed by Food Products at a Day Care Center?

By  Scott Soutullo, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Alabama and other states, parents rely upon day care centers to provide for the proper supervision and care of the children during the working hours of the parents.  Due to the length of time that a…


What are the Risks and Dangers of Unlicensed Day Care Centers in Louisiana and Other States?

By  David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network The recent death of a young child in the Louisiana unlicensed day care center sparked a debate about which day care centers should be regulated.  Under Louisiana’s current system, a day care center which cares for less than seven children exclusive…


What is the Universal Safety Precaution to Prevent Children from Drowning? Touch Supervision

Swimming Safety – Importance of Touch Supervision By  David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network During the summer months and the rest of the year as well, children are at risk for drowning.  Sadly and tragically in this day and age, drowning is still the leading cause of…


How is Supervision Defined Under Minnesota Law for Child Care Centers / Day Care Centers?

By  Keith Kerfeld, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Day Care Center Regulations – Minnesota In Minnesota, parents rely on day care centers to provide for the supervision of children during the work day.  It is important that each child is cared for in a clean…


Can a Day Care Center be Held Liable When a Child Dies on the Premises of the Day Care Center?

By  David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Parents rely upon day care to provide for the parent the child during working hours. For most childre in day care, the experience is a positive one filled with education, activities, and socialization.  For some children, however, a day care…

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