
Child Injury Lawyer Blog


Texas Officials Decide to Drop Proposal to Implement Stricter Staff to Child Ratios in Texas

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Apparently, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services has plans to withdraw it proposal to add stricter staffing requiring for the Texas day care facilities. The main reason for the withdrawal is money, especially in…


Raleigh (Memphis) Tennessee Day Care Center Placed on 2 Month Probation Following Inspections and Repeated Violations

By George R. Fusner, Jr., Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Tennessee and other States, some day care centers follow the rules and regulations and do a great job in supervising and caring for children while many others do not. It is unfortunate the…


Post Falls Idaho Babysitter Admits to Shoving Child – Critical Injuries Diagnosed at Hospital

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network A 3 year old from Post Falls, Idaho suffered critical injuries while under the care of a babysitter. Police investigators believe that the injuries were caused when a babysitter shoved the child. When police arrived at the home of the…


Former Day Care Center Operator Convicted in Child’s Death in Johnson County, Kansas

By Joni J. Franklin, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Tragically in Kansas and other States, children are the unfortunate victims of injury and even death in day care centers. In Olathe, Kansas, a day care operator was recently convicted for the death of a…


Two Things that Should Not Go Together – Shootings and Parties – 1 Dead and 4 Injured in New Jersey Shooting

By Robert Fernicola, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network A shooting occurred at a privately-owned off-campus fraternity house in New Jersey. A Seton Hall University student said the gunman stood on her back while firing off rounds, apparently with no intended target. The party started…


Novato California Schools Close Playgrounds Due to High Injury Rate – Safety Precautions and Modifications Needed to Protect Children

By Scott A. Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Novato, California, school officials closed down three playgrounds at schools to further study the playgrounds for safety precautions. Experts will be consulted to determine what modifications need to be made to make the playgrounds…


Police In Search of Truck Driver Involved in Hit in Run of 12 Year Old Bicyclist in Heath New Jersey

By Robert Fernicola, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network The driver of a small, black regular cab truck with pinstripes down the side is wanted for questioning in an hit-and-run accident involving a 12-year-old bicyclist. The Heath, New Jersey Police Department was notified about the…


Virginia Day Care Worker Accused of Molesting 4 Year Old Girl

By Kevin Leach, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network A Fairfax County day care worker was arrested and is being held on a charge that he molested a four-year-old girl. The man was arrested while trying to flee the country. The day care worker was…


Dangers of Driveways to Toddlers – Child Accidentally Hit by Vehicle in Driveway in Louisville, Kentucky

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Louisville, Kentucky and other towns and cities, there is one particular area at a home that can be and is extremely dangerous to children – “the driveway”. Unfortunately and tragically, driveway or back over accidents and incidents continue to…


Driver Admits that She was Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol When She Crashed into Pennsylvania Day Care Center

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Jennifer Mock, a 37-year-old woman, crashed her car into an Eastern Pennsylvania day care center last November; the center was full of children at the time of the incident. Mock has recently admitted that she was driving under the influence…

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