
Penndel Pennsylvania Day Care Center (Fairy Tales) Accused of Recordkeeping and Safety Violations

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

A Penndel Pennsylvania day care center (Fairy Tales) was recently re-opened following the tragic death of a child who was left unattended in the owner’s vehicle. The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare subsequently found record keeping violations and some potential safety violations. The day care center is being defended by an attorney (Mike Mustokoff) who denies that the day care center is unsafe or a danger to children.

According to news reports, the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare found the following violations:

*A child was left unattended and unsupervised in a vehicle;

*A written report was not sent by the center within 72 hours of the death of a child;

*Criminal background and child abuse history checks were not completed for two staff members of the day care center; and

*The child’s file lacked the required parent consent form for transportation and other consent forms.

Attorney Mustokoff believes that the day care center has valid defenses to these allegations. You can read about these allegations and defenses at Fairy Tales Day Care Center Continues to Have Issues with the Department of Child Welfare – Attorney Defends Day Care Center.

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