
Safety Tips on the Use of Safety Restraints and Seat Belts – Key to the Safe Transportation of Children

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


The Billings (Montana) Gazette posted a good article about safety restraints and seat belts. By following these simple tips, parents, teachers, bus drivers, van drivers, and day care providers can improve the safe transportation of children under their care.

The safety tips included the following:

*Encourage and require that children and others always wear a seat belt;

*Check to make sure that the car seat or safety restraint meets the height, weight and age of the child;

*Transport infants in rear facing car seats in the back seat of the vehicle;

*Keep infants, toddlers, and other children out of seats with an air bag; and

*Read warning labels and instructions on all car seats.

Children should be taught at an early age that wearing a seatbelt or being in a child restraint is not optional – it is mandatory – otherwise, there will be no trip or movement of the vehicle. Children like to battle parents and others when they think there is a chance of victory. If the child knows that the adult or caregiver will never make an exception to the seat belt / safety restraint rule, it is more likely that the child will form a good habit of following this safety rule.

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