
Simple Safety Tips for Parents Evaluating or Considering a Day Care Center

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


As parents head off to work and school this summer they leave their children in the care of daycare providers. Below is safety and health suggestion parents should look for in daycare facilities.

– Supervision:
Constant and competent supervision is a must for ensuring the safety of children. Children are inherently curious and do not always appreciate the dangerousness of their surroundings. Children have a tendency to climb on chairs or tables and put items in their mouths that they could potentially choke on. The degree of supervision may correlate with the type of activity the children are engaged in. For example, when participating in field trips or water activities, additional supervision may be required or the staff members may need to be CPR certified. Ask if the potential daycare has CPR trained staff and what plans the center implements when on a field trip.

-Maintenance of Playground Equipment and Environment:
Playground equipment may provide a fun environment but the devices themselves can be dangerous. Playground or daycare equipment should be checked daily for any broken areas or sharp edges. Play areas should also be sanitized and free of any chemicals and toxins. You should ask you potential daycare provider how the center ensures the safety of its playground equipment and overall environment.

-Sanitation and Illness:
Germ spreading is inevitable among children, therefore, daycare centers should implement illness plans for parents and staff to follow to reduce the spread of illnesses. Employees should practice regular hygiene practices such as frequent hand washing. The daycare center should also keep the furniture and other equipment clean. Inspect the surroundings of your potential daycare facility for cleanliness.

Recently, state legislatures have been making it tougher for daycare facilities to obtain licenses. As a result, the legislatures hope to make daycare centers safer havens for children. To read more on this topic see Daycare Safety Checklist for Parents.

Also, if you would like more information regarding the new stricter licensing requirements see Michigan Governor Signs Day Care Laws – Stricter Reporting Requirements Should Provide Parents with Better Information About Michigan Day Care Centers.

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