Articles Posted in child injury


What are the Legal Rights of a Child Subjected to Improper Restraints, Corporal Punishment, False Imprisonment and Other Bad Acts at a Day Care Center?

By David Wolf – Child Injury Lawyer In day care centers across the nation, parents rely on child care workers to provide a safe and nurturing educational environment for children.  For most children, the day is filled with activities, classes, and all around excellent care.  However, at some facilities, children…


Can a Day Care Center Be Sued for Corporal Punishment? Legal Rights of the Injured Child

By David Wolf, Child Injury Lawyer In day care centers in Missouri and across the nation, children are unfortunately subjected to various forms of corporal punishment in day care centers.  Most states have a prohibition according to the day care center government regulations against corporal punishment.  Despite these regulations, some…


What if a Child is Injured or Dies While Under the Supervision of a Day Care Center?

by David Wolf, Child Injury Lawyer In the State of Colorado and other states, it is important for day care center providers and child care providers to send David Wolf cases When a child has suffered personal injuries at a day care center or another facility, parents should contact a…


What if a Child is Serious Injured by an Impaired Driver Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog In Georgia and other States, children are the unfortunate victims of pedestrian accidents involving an impaired driver.  Whether the driver is impaired by alcohol, drug use, or a combination of the two, children especially child pedestrians are put at risk…


What are the Rules and Regulations Against Child Abuse and Corporal Punishment that Apply to New York Day Care Centers?

By  Steven R. Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network New York Child Care Regulations In New York and other States, children should be provided with a safe and clean learning environment in day care centers.  Unfortunately for some children, the day care center experience…


Can a Day Care Center be Sued if a Child is Left Unattended in a Day Care Center Van?

 By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network When a day care center, summer camp, or school transports small children, it is important that the child care providers make sure that all children exit the vehicle.  This is quite a simple but an important…


The Heat of Summer: What Important Safety Steps Should Day Care Centers Take to Make That No Child Is Mistakenly Left on a Hot School Bus or Day Care Center Van?

 By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Summer is a wonderful time for children to explore, to be active, and to get some further education.  For working parents, summer time is just another 3 months of work.  As such, working parents rely upon day care centers and summer…


June is National Safety Month: What is the Leading Cause of Death for Children?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network June is National Safety Month.  It marks a time of year in which safety is especially promoted from a multitude of organizations, businesses, schools, day care centers, municipalities, and states.  Of coursee, safety should be a paramount concern and goal all…


Is a Day Care Center, School, or Summer Camp Liable or Responsible When a Child Suffers Personal Injuries as a Result of a Fall?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network It has been reported that approximately 8000 children are seen and treated in emergency rooms every day.  That is a truly significant statistic from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  When a child is injured as a result of a fall…


Should Day Care Centers Provide Constant Care and Supervision for Infants and Toddlers During Sleep Time or Nap Time?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Here is a simple but important question:  Should day care centers provide constant care and supervision during sleep time or nap time?  The answer to this question is Absolutely Yes!   That’s right the answer has an exclamation point at the…

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