Articles Posted in supervision


What if a Child is Injured or Dies While Under the Supervision of a Day Care Center?

by David Wolf, Child Injury Lawyer In the State of Colorado and other states, it is important for day care center providers and child care providers to send David Wolf cases When a child has suffered personal injuries at a day care center or another facility, parents should contact a…


What Action Can Be Taken Against a Day Care Center When a Child Wanders Away from the Facility? Risks and Dangers

By David Wolf, Attorney and Samantha Vloedman, Law Clerk Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog In Michigan and other States, parents rely upon day care centers to provide for a safe educational environment. One basic responsibility of the day care center is to supervise the children in a manner so…


What if a Child Suffers Injuries or Dies in a New York Day Care Center?

By  David Wolf, Attorney and Samantha Vloedman, Law Clerk Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog In New York and other States, busy working parents rely on the staff and administration at day care centers to supervise their children during the work day.   Some parents select day care centers based on price and location…


What are the Statistics Behind Injuries in Youth Sports? What Should be Done?

By  David Wolf, Attorney and Samantha Vloedman, Law Clerk Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog Throughout the United States, children are being injured in youth sports every day.  Certainly, there are risks in most every sport. However, many injuries can be prevented with better supervision. Furthermore, when a child is injured, it is…


What are the Duties and Responsibilities of a Day Care Center as to Supervision? Risks of Drowning

By  David Wolf, Attorney and Samantha Vloedman, Law Clerk Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog In Illinois and other States, parents rely upon day care centers to provide a safe, nurturing environment for their children during the busy work day. For most children on most days, a day care center provides proper…


What if a Child Dies During Nap Time or Sleep Time at a Licensed or Unlicensed Day Care Center?

By  Jonathan Safran, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog Parents rely on day care centers during the working day to care of the child in an environment that is safe and clean.  One overlooked area of child care in a day care center can be…


What are the Rights of a Child who Suffers Burn Injuries While Under the Supervision of a Day Care Center?

By  Andrew Baker, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Ohio and other States, day care centers have a duty to properly staff and supervise children under the care of the day care center.  When corners are cut and rules are violated, children can and…


What Kind of Supervision Should Be Provided to Infants at Day Care Centers?

By David Wolf, Attorney and Robert Fernicola, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In New Jersey and other States, parents rely on day care centers to provide care and supervision of their infants.  In most instances, work  schedules put parents in a position of needing day care for their…

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