
What If My Child Suffers Personal Injuries at Summer Camp?

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Every year, millions of children attend some form of summer camp. Some camps are local while others are overnight or sleep away camps. According to the American Camp Association (ACA), it is estimated that there are over 10 million children who attend one of 120,000 camps nationwide.

Often times, as a Child Injury Lawyer, I am asked the following questions:

What if my child is injured at a summer camp?

Does the summer camp have a duty to inform a parent about injuries at the summer camp?

What medical care services are required at the summer camp?

Is a parent entitled to receive a copy of an incident report?

Are releases valid in preventing a parent from pursuing an injury claim or case on behalf of an injured child?

What State laws apply to a potential summer camp case? Is it the resident state of the camp? Is it the resident state of the camper?

These are all excellent questions and ones faced by parents who are forced to deal with the aftermath of a child injury that takes place a a summer camp.

The ABCs of Child Injury – Legal Rights of the Injured Child – What Every Parent Should Know – has chapters on Day Care Center Injuries, School Injuries, Sports Related Injuries, and other topics. You can get this book for free at The ABCs of Child Injury.

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