
What is the Duty of a Day Care Center as to Maintenance and Inspection of the Grounds and Trees of the Day Care Center?

By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In Georgia and other States, children are enrolled in day care centers. On most days, the children are properly supervised in a safe learning environment. Unfortunately, on some days, children suffer injuries at a day care center. Some are foreseeable and preventable while others are not. A Child Injury Lawyer can be contacted to review the particular facts and circumstances to determine if the day care center has liability or legal responsibility for the injuries suffered by the child enrolled in the day care center. A Child Injury Lawyer will review the particular facts and circumstances.

In Winder, Georgia, a recent injury was reported involving a tree limb that fell on a 2 year old child. The child was airlifted to an Atlanta hospital for evaluation, care and treatment. You can read more about this incident at Child Injured by Falling Tree Limb in Georgia.

When an injury takes place that involves a falling tree or other object outside of a day care center during day care center activities, the following issues or questions should be addressed:

What maintenance was performed in the area? How frequently?

Was the day care center aware of a dangerous condition prior to the incident?

Should the day care center have been aware of the dangerous condition?

Was there any steps, measures, or actions that could have been taken to avoid or prevent the incident from taking place?

Did the day care center violate any State regulations?

Did the day care center violate any of its own policies and procedures?

Since a day care center case can be quite complex and confusing, a parent should consult with a Child Injury Lawyer regarding these and other matters.

The book titled – The ABCs of Child Injury – Legal Rights of the Injured Child – What Every Parent Should Know – has chapters on Day Care Center Injuries, School Injuries, Playground Injuries, and other topics. A concerned parent, family member or other person can request a free copy of this book at The ABCs of Child Injury.

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