Articles Posted in Automobile Accidents

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By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

CarAccident1.jpgWhen word first came out that Christopher Kayden Roedel had been struck and killed in a traffic accident, police said that no charges would be filed in the case. The child was struck by a pickup truck as he was running across a busy street after dark and was pronounced dead at the scene.

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By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Idaho and other States, driveways can be a very dangerous place for children. Driveway incidents or accidents causing injuries to children are so dangerous that there is a designation or name for these type of accidents. These accidents are frequently referred to as backover or frontover accidents or injuries. Safe Kids is a non profit organization with offices and affiliates all over the United States. Safe Kids and other child advocacy and safety groups urge parents and drivers to take a few moments to when entering or exiting a driveway to look out for children and to make sure that all children are cleared away from the driveway area. A good article was recently posted at the Idaho Statesman about the problem and dangers of backover and frontover driveway accidents. Read the article, pay attention, and watch out for children.

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By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

U.S.%20State%20Map%20New%20York.jpgIn New York and other states, infants and small children are at increased risk for injury when riding in an automobile. This is especially true for children who are not placed in a infant seat, child seat, or booster seat based on the age and / or size. New York law was recently changed to require children through the eighth birthday to have a booster seat. There is an exemption for children younger than 8 who are 4 Feet 9 Inches Tall and / or who weigh 100 pounds or more.

Published on:

By Robert Fernicola, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20yellow%20school%20bus%20toy%20antique%20side%20view.jpgIn New Jersey, child care centers and day care centers are regulated by the Department of Human Resources and the Child Care Licensing Laws. There are specific rules / regulations pertaining to vehicle related safety practices under the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. Chapter 10: 10:122-9.5).

Published on:

By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Carmen Huertas, a mother from the Bronx, New York, appeared in court regarding manslaughter charges for the death of 11 year old – Leandra Rosado. In October 2009, it is alleged that Ms. Huertas drank heavily and then put seven children in a cr to take them to a slumber party. A subsequent crash caused the death of 11 year old Leandra Rosado. Parents and caregivers should avoid drinking and driving altogether. Having several drinks and then getting behind the wheel of a vehicle puts many people in danger especially innocent children. An adult can chose to risk her own safety and welfare by drinking alcohol, doing drugs, or otherwise engaging in dangerous activities or behavior. It is quite another thing to put your own children and other children at risk. Ms. Huertas will have the ability to defend herself from this criminal charges with a private attorney or public defender. Whatever the result on the criminal case – an innocent child is dead and would be alive today but for this fatal automobile accident. See Bronx Mother Faces Manslaughter Charges – DUI Automobile Accident Resulting in Death of 11 Year Old.

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By James Bailey, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Delaware.jpgThe Center for Disease Control and Prevention collects and publishes data regarding child injuries and deaths for Delaware as well as other States. According to the CDC, transportation related injuries had the highest death rate among children ranging in age from 0 to 19 years old in Delaware. It is tragic when a child dies. Other categories reported by the CDC were drownings, falls, fire/burns, poisoning, and accidental suffocation. Co-sleeping arrangements can, in some cases, cause suffocation related death or injurires to children. See Infants in Wisconsin and Other States at Risks for Personal Injuries and Accidental Death When Co-Sleeping with Parents or Others.

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By Scott A. Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

CarAccident1.jpgA four year old boy, Jonathan Vasquez, was killed in a hit and run accident in front of his school recently. The child was riding a scooter to preschool, with his grandmother and older brother walking behind him, when he was hit while crossing the street that leads out of the school parking lot. The driver of the car fled the scene, dragging the boy’s body behind him for a short distance. Because the accident occurred just after the first morning bell, there were few witnesses and the police do not have a good description of the car or the driver, who has only been described as a man with a dark complexion.

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By Stephanie F. Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

U.S.%20State%20Flag%20Georgia.jpgGwinnett County Police reported an accident involving a death of a teen and personal injuries to two other teens. Tristan Sadler (Age 18) lost control of a 1989 Volvo while driving in a curve. The vehicle hit a drainage ditch and then overturned. Tristan was ejected. It was reported that Tristan was not wearing a seat belt.

Published on:

By Scott A. Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

street%20light%20red%20traffic%20light%20white%20background.jpgIn California, traffic signals and devices should be obeyed by drivers. The simple act of running a red light can be quite deadly. In Novato, California, Steven Culbertson, age 19 from Lakeville, California, first hit a car stopped for a light and then drove through the red light and into the intersection. Then, Culbertson in a BMW Mini Cooper crashed into a mini-van occupied by the Maloney family. The father (Johnathan Maloney – age 45), the mother (Susan Maloney – age 42) and two children (Grace and Aiden) died as a result of the impact according to the California Highway Patrol.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

US%20State%20Flag%20Colorado.jpgn Longmont, Colorado, a crash sent a truck into the front of a Blockbuster Store. Police investigators reported that a Dodge truck crashed into a Subaru Outback. The force of this impact put the Subaru into a curb, then into the Cubby’s Coffee Shop, and finally into the Blockbuster Store. Police reported that Steven Williams (age 37) from Longmont, Colorado sped through the intersection prior to the crash. There were 5 people injured as a result of this crash including: Bruce Kline, Kline’s wife, Kline’s 17 year old daughter, Maricuz Gutierrez, and Steven Williams.

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