Articles Posted in Automobile Accidents

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20yellow%20school%20bus%20close%20up%20of%20top%20front%20of%20bus.jpgA tragic pedestrian / school bus accident took place in Warwick (Providence) Rhode Island recently. A 15 year old student was hit and killed by a school bus carrying students from Providence High School. News reports indicate that the student was wearing headphone at the time of the accident. She was hit while she was crossing the street. While the student may have been distracted, it is unknown from the information reported in the news who was at fault for the accident. Of course, it is not against the law for a pedestrian to wear headphones. There have been other accidents in which pedestrians have been distracted while wearing headphones. This goes the same for drivers as well.

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By Stephanie F. Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Georgia.jpgSavannah Georgia is a wonderful tourist destination. Unfortunately, at times, Savannah is also the site of automobile accidents involving pedestrians, personal injuries and wrongful death. Recently, a business development manager from Sweden was killed and a woman from Sweden was injured when a pick up truck hit them during a night walking tour in downtown historic Savannah. Nils Eric Svensson, age 61, of Skanor, Sweden and Anne Christine Bjarkby were visiting Savannah, Georgia as part of a Swedish delegation. Ms. Bjarkby suffered a fractured hip.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Colorado.jpgColorado lawmakers are considering changes to the State law regarding seat belts. In particular, Colorado law may be changed to include the failure to wear a seat belt as a primary offense. In other words, a driver could be pulled over by a police officer and issued a citation for failing to wear a seat belt. Current Colorado laws require that a driver commit another traffic offense before being cited for the failure to wear a seat belt.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

technology%20mobile%20phone%20cell%20black%20with%20shiny%20screen%20on%20black%20background.jpgText messaging is in full force in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States. Unless you have been locked in your house and have not been around any teenagers or adults for that matter, you should know about text messages. It is a tool. It is a game / toy. It can also be dangerous. Like anything else in life, moderation is important unless, of course, you are attempting to break some kind of record and want notoriety. The maxim should still apply “as long as nobody gets hurt”. Anyway, in Pennsylvania, two mean (Nick Andes, age 30, and Doug Klinger, age 30) spent the hours upon hours upon hours text messaging each other to try to break some kind of record. To Nick’s dismay, he received a bill of $26,000 for his excessive text messaging acts. Nick did have unlimited texting under his plan so the bill is being investigated and should be resolved in Nick’s favor. To me, Unlimited means Unlimited so Nick’s carrier should not be charging him any more than the fixed charges.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Medical technology and advances are bringing forth more mobility to children and adults alike. An amazing video shows a 5 year old walking with artificial / prosthetic legs. Some children are born with birth defects while others suffer serious personal injuries as a result of automobile accidents, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, day care injuries, and other types of incidents. Whatever the cause, medical advances cannot simply erase the injuries but can give a child mobility or a better life in order to help cope with the injuries. Watch this inspiring video to see how this 5 year old has been helped with artificial legs. See 5 Year Old Walks with Artificial Legs.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

vehicle%20car%20keys%20alarm%20black.jpgIn Redding, California, a woman thought it would be a good idea to text message and drive at the time time. In fact, the woman was electronically paying her bills online while driving. Due to her inattention and the distraction as a result of texting while driving, Deborah Matis-Engle crashed into a line of stopped vehicles. As a result of the automobile accident, one woman died and was the unfortunate wrongful death victim of this avoidable crash. The victim, Petra Winn, was 46 years old and died as a result of personal injuries suffered when her vehicle bursted into flames after impact.

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By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

vehicle%20back%20of%20red%20suv.jpgIn Queens, New York a bizarre incident occurred. A man called 911 to report that he thought that he struck a pedestrian. For some unknown reason, though, he did not stop. The pedestrian, was then hit by a second car. Instead of stopping at the scene, not realizing that he had hit the pedestrian, the second car continued on his trip, for 17 miles into Brooklyn! He was stopped by a pedestrian in Brooklyn who told him that there was something being dragged under his SUV. It turned out to be the pedestrian, who he had hit a county away. He was dead and unfortunately, partially dismembered.

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By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Long Island New York and other areas, all too often we hear of school bus accidents and fear the worst—a child being injured or killed due to the negligence of school bus drivers and other drivers on the road. It’s horrible when a negligent vehicle causes an accident involving a bus. Its even more frightening when the accident is caused by the school bus driver him/herself. On a small road in Eastport Long Island, one student suffered a hand injury and three others were taken to the hospital as a precaution when a mini-school bus skidded off of the road, hitting a pole and trees. It is odd that the vehicle skidded as there was no snow or ice on the ground at the time. While we cannot control the operation of the school buses by the drivers, it is very important to obey all New York traffic laws and take extra caution when approaching school buses that carry our most precious children! You can read more about this story at Long Island New York School Bus Accident Causes Personal Injuries to Children.

Published on:

By Jeremy Vishno, Attorney, and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20yellow%20school%20bus%20close%20up%20of%20top%20front%20of%20bus.jpgA Masuk of Monroe, CT school bus, carrying its high caliber football team was struck by a pick-up truck that failed to yield the right of way. The collision caused serious injuries to the pick-up’s driver, but the players had no immediate complaints of injuries during on-scene evaluations. It remains to be seen as to whether the players, students at Masuk High School in Monroe, CT will feel the effects of that bus versus truck accident in the days to come, as is often the case in motor vehicle accidents. Many times, hours, days, and even weeks after an accident, the first real signs of injuries can rear their ugly heads. That is why it is critically important to have any child who was in an auto or school bus accident fully evaluated by a doctor or hospital personnel, and to pay attention to their complaints in the days and weeks after. This is true even if the accident seems to have minor damage to the vehicles involved. Cars are designed to absorb these impacts, while the human body is not.

Published on:

By Stephanie F. Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

playground%20tire%20swing%20black%20with%20chains.jpgWhen a lawsuit is filed on behalf of a minor child in Georgia, any settlement of the lawsuit may require the approval of the Probate Court where the child resides. Georgia Code Section 29-3-3 controls the settlement of a minor’s claim. Under this statute, if the gross settlement is for less than $15,000.00, the child’s natural guardian may enter into the settlement without being appointed the child’s legal conservator and without Probate Court approval of the settlement.

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