Articles Posted in Automobile Accidents

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By Stephanie F. Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

playground%20tire%20swings%20empty.jpgOften in personal injury cases involving children, the defendant will claim that the child was contributorily negligent and his recovery is barred or must be reduced. In Georgia, children must exercise such care as his mental and physical capacities allow him to exercise in the actual circumstances of the occasion.

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By Stephanie F. Brown and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

vehicle%20bus%20tire%20on%20white%20bus.jpgIn 2007, 35 Bluffton University baseball team players and their coaches were traveling on a bus to play in a game when their bus went off of an overpass in Atlanta, Georgia. Seven people were killed and 28 were injured. The bus went off of the overpass on an exit ramp where the Georgia Department of Transportation failed to install an important road sign at an HOV exit. The National Transportation Safety Board harshly criticized the Georgia DOT’s signs and found that the bus mistakenly turned into the exit lane.

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By Jay Foster, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In George County, Mississippi, a car accident injured two children, a 15-year-old and an 11-year-old. The wreck happened on Highway 198 which is near Mississippi Highway 63. Apparently, John Hood died in the accident while driving a Dodge Truck when he crossed the center line of the highway. The children were flown by helicopter to USA Medical Center in Mobile, Alabama. Hopefully, the children will recover from the automobile accident related personal injuries. Apparently, the impact from the automobile accident was quite severe in that it caused the driver to die and resulted in injuries that required the services of a medical helicopter. You can read more about this story at Children Injured in George County, Mississippi Automobile Accident.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

vehicle%20back%20of%20red%20suv.jpgA government study reported that approximately 100 children died and 2000 were injured as a result of vehicle backover accidents in 2007. The study was released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The study was in response to a 2008 law that required the tracking of backover incidents, power window strangulations, and heat exposure injuries / deaths.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

vehicle%20back%20of%20red%20suv.jpgWhat is a vehicle blind zone? What is a vehicle backover accident? Children in all States are at risk for injury or death from vehicle backover accidents. A vehicle blind zone is the area behind a vehicle that a person (the driver) cannot see from the driver’s seat. The higher and larger the vehicle – the larger the blind zone.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Evan Reynolds, who is now 19 years old, suffered a devastating injury in 2006. With his car window down, Evan was a passenger in an automobile that scraped a wooden post when exiting a parking lot. Evan’s hand was amputated immediately. While Evan’s dreams of joining the army in England went unfulfilled – he now has a bionic i-Lumb in place which a fully functional prosthetic arm which he can control by thinking and utilize of arm muscles remaining following the automobile accident and subsequent medical procedures / surgeries. You can read more about this story and see a photograph of Evan and his bionic arm at Teenager Who Lost Arm in Car Accident Learns to Use Bionic Arm.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

car%20dashboard%20speedometer%20black.jpgDistracted and negligent drivers cause accidents every day in various States. Many safety groups, parents, and child safety advocates would like to see laws banning the use of cell phone / mobile phones while driving. These proponents of changes in the law of many States believe that the banning of cell phone / mobile phones will lead to a decrease in distracted drivers as well as automobile accidents and trucking accidents with related personal injuries and wrongful deaths.

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By Stephanie Brown and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

car%20dashboard%20speedometer%20black.jpgIn Georgia, a parent can be held liable for the negligence of a child driving an automobile that is maintained by the parent for the use and convenience of his family. If the parent, as the owner of the car, has given permission to his child to drive the car and has relinquished control of the car to the child then the parent can be held liable for injuries caused by the child as long as the child was in the car when the accident occurred and the car was being used for a “family purpose.”

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By Jeremy Vishno and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

bicycle%20bmx%20close%20up%20black.jpgIn Derby, Connecticut, an 11 year old boy had just received his first new bicycle for Christmas. It was a BMX style bicycle, with grinding bars and front handle bars that could spin completely around, allowing for all sorts of cool tricks. A special brake mechanism allowed the handle bars to spin completely around so that riders could perform “extreme” tricks while the front wheel is off the ground, such as a “bar spin.” Unfortunately, when the bicycle was assembled at the store that sold it to the boy’s mom, the brake cables were not properly attached to the discs above the wheel and below the handle bars. A few days of riding and the boy was ready to try some jumps with his friends. On his first jump, he flew only a short distance, but when he tried to stop the bicycle with the front brakes, nothing happened! The fence that loomed just ahead was too close for him to avoid, and he struck it head on. On impact, the boy’s body moved forward off his seat, striking the base of the handle bars, where the brake discs, hard steel plates, were located. This impact caused serious personal injuries: a severe laceration of the boy’s penis and scrotum, requiring immediate hospitalization, surgery and anti-biotics. A lawsuit was filed against the manufacturer, the toy store and the company that assembled the bicycle for the store.

Published on:

By Jay Foster, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

streets%20highways%20highway%2049%20Mississippi.jpgHighway 49 in Mississippi continues to be a dangerous highway for many Mississippi drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and bicylists. There are many automobile accidents and trucking accidents on this Mississippi highway. Many of these accidents cause serious personal injuries and deaths. Robert McGill was driving a truck when he ran off the road and crashed. He died at the accident site on at Church Street according to the Mississippi Highway Patrol. The passenger, Angelica Porter, of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, was also injured when she was ejected from the truck.

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