Articles Posted in Automobile Accidents

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By Brooks P. Lynn, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Santa%20Figure.jpgParades are places for celebration. Parades are also places of tragedy far too often for young children who are in the parade or merely watching the parade. In a Beaumont Texas Christmas Parade, Aaliyah Carter (age 11) was killed after falling and being run over by a parade float. Aalliyah attended Homer Elementary School in Beaumont, Texas. According to parade witnesses, Aaliyah was running alongside the truck when she tripped over another girl. The driver, who apparently was not aware that the girl was in the road, ran over the girl who was crushed by the parade float wheels. Aaliyah was taken to Christus St. Elizsabeth Hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival from castastrophic head wounds. You can read more about the parade accident involving Aaliyah Carter at 11 Year Old Dies in Beaumont Texas Christmas Parade.

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By Thomas J. Duff and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

250307_wrecked_beemer.jpgKCCI Des Moines Iowa TV Station did an excellent study and program on distracted drivers. Distracted driving can result from common everyday activities that do not exactly combine well with the physical and mental requirements of operating a motor vehicle. While driving, many people eat, sing, talk, read, check e mail, text, and multi-task. Motor vehicles in many states are referred to as “dangerous instrumentalities” since a minor mistake or a second or two of inattention can lead to serious adult and child injuries and, in some instance, death.

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By Anthony Ferguson, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

805120_maine_vacationland_1.jpgThe Maine Child Death and Serious Injury Review Panel was established by Maine State Statutes to study the causes and incidents of serious injuries and child deaths in the State of Maine. The Panel reviewed 45 deaths deaths and serious injuries that took place between 1998 and 2003. The Panel is mandated by Maine Statutes. The Panel has a very small staff and has many cases to review. When there is a child death or serious injury in Maine, a personal injury attorney and law firm can also help investigate the cause and manner of death or serious personal injury. Many children in Maine and the New England area are the unfortunate victims of serious injury or death from automobile accidents, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, bus accidents, drownings, head traumas, accident and intentional shootings, and abuse / neglect.

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By Jeremy Vishno, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Three bus loads of middle school students in Litchfield, Connecticut were recently in a bus accident. The students were returning home from a field trip at White Memorial Conservation Park when a chain type of reaction crash took place. The last bus in the convoy failed to stop and crashed into the bus stopped in front of it. Nineteen students were treated for injuries but it does not appear that there are any serious personal injuries at this time. While traveling a convoy increased the visibility of the school buses, this mode of travel can also involve many of the students on multiple buses when an accident takes place. Parents were notified of the crash. While the crash was reported in various news papers and media outlets, the crash fortunately did not involve any deaths or tragedies to speak of. The crash does illustrate the importance of school driver safety, attention, and speed. Rear end automobile accidents, trucking accidents, and bus accidents typically result from inattention and excessive speed. It is especially important for school bus drivers to proceed with caution, care, and the utmost consideration of the health, safety, and welfare of the students on the bus. See Children Injured from Rear End Crash – 3 Buses Involved in Connecticut.

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