Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
During the month of July and especially on or near the Fourth of July, fireworks are commonly ignited. Some fireworks are set off at the family home while others are at a more former celebration like a public park, downtown area, community center, or stadium. It is vital that fireworks are ignited in the safest manner possible. Unfortunately, despite the known risks of fireworks, children are injured every year. Many such personal injuries are preventable.
By Andrew Baker, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
In Ohio and other States, day care centers have a duty to properly staff and supervise children under the care of the day care center. When corners are cut and rules are violated, children can and do get hurt. Many such personal injuries sustained by children at a day care center are avoidable. At any given day care center, there are dangers for small children. Even a mop bucket can be dangerous to a small child. Yes, that’s right, a small child could drown in full mop bucket when there are no caregivers around to properly protect the child. There are also electrical hazards to children. There are many reports in which a child wanders out of a facility and into a nearby street or parking lot. This could have fatal consequences. Again, many such incidents take place due to staff and supervision issues. A watchful eye, common sense, due diligence, and a sense of caring can go a long way to providing for the health, safety, and welfare of children in the day care setting.
By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Scalding injuries continue to take place every year. These injuries can have a life time injuries – physically, emotionally and appearance – for a child. It is estimated that about one million Americans suffer burn related injuries on an annual basis. Over three thousand people die every year from burn related injuries. For children, it has been reported that the primary mechanism of a burn injury is from scalding water. Tragically, many of these children suffer significant personal injuries and some even die as a result of the injuries.
In some instances, the negligence or fault of a third party, school, day care center, or even a relative can form the basis of a legal claim or lawsuit for the injuries to the child. A Florida Personal Injury Lawyer can help advise the family of the rights of the injured child and what remedies are available under Florida law for the injuries.
By Roy S. Dickinson, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
An unfortunate incident occurred took place at a day care center in North Tulsa Oklahoma when one-year old Madilynn McDaniel took her shoes off while on the playground. Because the Summer heat in North Tulsa, the ground surface near the playground was extremely hot. The hot pavement at the day care center burned Madilynn’s feet and resulted in second degree burns. The incident took place at Educare, a North Tulsa child care center. Madilynn was later treated for the injuries and prescribed Loratab to help her deal with the pain.
By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Three children were tragically killed in a kitchen fire that occurred at the children’s Houston, Texas, residential daycare. Rick Flanagan, spokesman for the Houston Fire Department, said the victims ranged in age from 18-months to 3-years-old. The day care’s operator, 22-year-old Jessica Tata, was the only adult supervising the 7 children the day of the incident. According to Texas’ child care rules, Tata should not have been caring for more than 6 children older than 18-months. Michael McAndrews, a 50-year-old witness who lives near the residential day care, said Tata stated she went to the bathroom at the facility and upon returning the kitchen was on fire. When firefighters arrived at the scene, Tata and two injured children were outside the flaming home, the other five children were trapped inside. Firefighters had to use thermal imaging cameras to find some of the children. Firefighters had to perform CPR on 4 children, who were unresponsive. Some children sustained burns while others suffered from smoke inhalation. Jennifer Hart, spokeswoman for Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, stated that one child was transferred to the Shriners Hospital burn center in critical condition and two other children were at a Houston hospital, one also in critical condition and the other in good condition. Around a year ago, the facility, which is registered as a “child-care home,” was cited by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services’ Child Care Licensing division for not having a fire extinguisher. DFPS spokeswoman Gwen Carter said Tata had correct the problem. For more see 3 children tragically killed in a Houston, Texas, child-care home kitchen fire.
By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
It is well known that children are curious. Unfortunately, many children also do not recognize the dangers of lighters and matches. Child’s play with flammable producing items like matches and lighters can lead to dangerous fires that can and do cause serious personal injuries and death. In Brooklyn, New York, it was reported that a fire started by a child playing with matches caused the death of a 4 month old baby girl named Aniyah Vaughan. See Child Playing with Matches Caused Fatal Brooklyn Blaze. Firefighters responded to the scene and were able to get Aniyah out of the building. Unfortunately, Aniyah later died at the hospital.
By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
In Redmond, Washington, a tragic fire was reported that involved the unfortunate and tragic deaths of 4 children and 1 adult. The incident took place on January 1, 2011. The blaze resulted in the response of six fire departments as well as fire investitors from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Exposlives. There was no indication from the initial inspection or response to the scene that the fire was intentionally set or that there was criminal activity involved with this fire or the resulting deaths.
By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Baja Motorsports, a Phoenix-based company, recently recalled 308,000 mini bikes and go-carts after a child was seriously burned. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the gas caps on the Chinese-made vehicles can detach or leak, posing a fire hazard. Also, there is a problem with the vehicles’ throttle; it can get stuck causing the vehicles to unexpectedly accelerate.