Articles Posted in Child Safety

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20black%20chalkboard%20with%20letters%20capital%20and%20small%20letters.jpgIn Delaware, children are the unfortunate victims of day care center negligence especially when the day care center fails to follow the rules and regulations set forth at the State of Delaware – Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families – Delacare – Requirements for Day Care Centers.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Wyoming.jpgThe Wyoming Department of Family Services regulates and licenses day care centers throughout the State. The Division of Early Childhood publishes a helpful checklist for parents to use when selecting a day care center. The checklist is also helpful for evaluating a day care center that a parent is already using for a child. Parents should educate and inform themselves about a day care center. The checklist provides the following advice:

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Delaware, it is important for day care centers to employ, train, and supervise qualified staff, employees, and volunteers. People who work or volunteer their time at day care centers in Delaware must meet with the Health Requirements set forth in the State of Delaware – Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families – Delacare – Requirements for Day Care Centers. What are the physical and mental health requirements for staff, employees, and volunteers of a Delaware day care center? Delaware law requires a written report from a licensed physician or nurse practitioner for a medical examination attesting to the health of the employee, staff member, or volunteer. The health status refers to both the physical and emotional ability to care for children. There also needs to be written evidence that the employee, staff member, or volunteer has been free from communicable diseases like tuberculosis within 1 year from the first day of employment at the Delaware day care center.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Delaware, day care centers are regulated by the State of Delaware – Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families – Delacare – Requirements for Day Care Centers. Are Delaware day care centers required to carry liability and fire insurance to cover for personal injuries and / or the wrongful death of a child injured as a result of the negligence of the day care center? The answer is yes. There is a regulation in place that requires liability insurance. Unfortunately, it does not appear that the regulations require a particular amount of liability insurance to comply with this requirement. As such, a facility may be in compliance by carrying a minimal amount of insurance. For instance, a mere policy with a cap of $25,000 may comply with these regulations. Of course, many child injuries involve damages that are far greater than $25,000. The day care center is still responsible for all the damages suffered by a Delaware child as a result of negligence regardless of the amount of insurance in place. Good and responsible Delaware day care centers carry a sufficient amount of insurance so that an injured child and the child’s family can recover adequate compensation through the liability insurance. Having sufficient liability insurance also helps protect the assets of the day care center and the day care center’s ability to continue operations from a financial standpoint in the future.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Geraldine Hickey has put her nursing and midwifery experience to good use. She formed a company called Baby Zone and Beyond which puts on seminars and distributes videos / DVDs on important child health topics like choking and CPR. This seminar or video can help train parents, day care workers, teachers, and other caregivers techniques to deal with emergency situations that can and do save lives and serious personal injuries to children. CPR techniques are much different for a child due to the size, development and anatomy of a child. Geraldine Hickey has a mission of getting this valuable information out to save and protect children. I recommend that you review her website and products for the health, safety and welfare of your child. The website is called babyzoneandbeyond. The company is based in New Jersey.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

playground%20swings%20with%20buckets%20toddlers%20baby%20day%20time.jpgPlaygrounds are placed in virtually every community in the United States. Some are new. Some are old. Some are well maintained with up to date inspections and repairs while others fall into rust and disrepair. It is vital that playgrounds are frequently inspected and maintained. When a playground is negligently maintained or supervised, children are at risk for personal injuries or, even worse, wrongful death.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

GPS%20Map%20Missing%20Children%20technology%20compass.jpgParents now have access to affordable technology to track their children with GPS. One such device called Zoombak is priced at $99.00 for the unit and $15.00 per month for the service. A parent or caregiver can track the movement of a child on foot, bicycle, or vehicle. GPS technology plots the movement of the child every five minutes through the zoombak website. A parent can also put parameters or geographic boundaries on movement. If the child goes beyond those boundaries, the parent is then sent an e mail or text message regarding the same. Zoombak is sold at Radio Shack and Target.

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By Will Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

sports%20football%20helmet%20white%20on%20grass.jpgIn high schools throughout the nation, high school athletes are pushed to their physical limits and beyond their limits as well. Both male and female high school athletes often times push through injuries through their own dedication or the push of their coaches to compete. Concussions / head injuries are a serious problems in high school sports / athletics. A study completed at the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio showed that over 40 % of athletes who suffered a head injury / concussion returned to play too soon. The short and long term effects from a concussion are exasperated and prolonged when the student athlete has not been enough time to recover from the damages / injuries caused by the concussion.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

health%20medical%20pharmacy%20red%20and%20white%20capsule%20pill.jpgA medical study, conducted by a doctor at University of Colorado along with other colleagues, reports that children, who die from over the counter cough and cold medicines, are often times very young. Directions on boxes and containers of OTC (over the counter) medications are very important. It is also important to read the counter-indications for such medications. When administered appropriately, over the counter medications are typically safely consumed by the child with little to no side effects. The medical study study reported in the Annals of Emergency Medicine determined that deaths that take place typically involve children under the age of 2 years old. Cough and cold medications and products can cause severe reactions, injuries, and death from toxicity.

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By Ryan E. Alekman, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20yellow%20school%20bus%20view%20of%20driver%20front%20light.jpgIn Massachusetts and other states, school bus drivers should pay close attention to driving and supervising the children on the bus. School bus drivers should not use mobile phones while driving and certainly should never text message while driving. School bus drivers who allow themselves to become distracted by such technology put children in danger and, yes, risk the loss of a job. In Massachusetts, a school bus driver was caught texting and driving on video on a student’s mobile phone. First Student, the school bus company based in Cincinnatti, Ohio fired the bus driver who was driving Clinton, Massachusetts students from Assabet Valley Technical High School.

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