Articles Posted in Child Safety

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

handcuffs%20on%20white%20background.jpgBB guns are weapons that can lead to serious personal injuries and wrongful death. BB guns and toy guns are especially dangerous when others believe that BB guns are high powered fire arms. Parents should keep in mind that a weapon is a weapon. This advice applies to BB guns. Parents and caregivers should supervise their children any time that children use a BB gun.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20New%20Hampshire.jpgIn New Hampshire, two high school students were arrested for bringing a toy gun to school. Another student had noticed the gun on the hallway floor and notified school officials. In the abundance of caution, school authorities contacted law enforcement who then went to the school to investigate. Police found the plastic toy gun with an orange tip in a locker. In response to the situation, the school was put on lockdown. Parents were notified via text message and other means and also went to the school.

Published on:

By Stephanie F. Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

medical%20malpractice%20operation%20surgery%20scapel%20and%20blades.jpgIn 2005, the Georgia General Assembly severely limited an injured child’s, as well as injured adults, right of recovery in medical malpractice actions. With the passage of the Tort Reform Bill, the Georgia legislature limited recovery for pain and suffering to $350,000.00 against a health care provider such as a doctor or a hospital. In the event that more than one entity is named in a medical malpractice action, the child can recover $350,000.00 from each named defendant but can never recover more than $1,050,000.00.

Published on:

By Will Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Hancuffs%202.jpgAn Euclid, Ohio dad has been arrested for several criminal charges including child endangerment, attempted murder and assault on a firefighter. Sammy G. Hunter, Jr. faces these serious criminal charges from incidents that took place at his home. It was reported that Mr. Hunter got high, turned on his oven, and tried to shove his son inside the oven. The baby’s mother stopped Mr. Hunter from doing this. Mr. Hunter then tried to start a fire in the home that had a natural gas line. Firefighters responded to the scene. Then, Mr. Hunter assaulted firefighters. Of course, Mr. Hunter was arrested for these allegations. He pled not guilty to the charges.

Published on:

By J. Rock Palermo, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

gun%20firearms%20machine%20gun%20firearm%20safewty%20black.jpgIn Baton Rouge, Louisiana, school officials and law enforcement may have help avoid a disaster in the form of a school shooting by taking action to arrest a 13 year old and remove an assault rifle from school grounds. At the Southeast Middle School on Harrells Ferry in Louisiana, a 13 year old brought a military style Ruger mini 14 assault rifle to school and place the rifle along with high powered rounds of ammunition in his locker. Other students informed school officials that the weapon was inside the student’s locker. Telling school officials about a dangerous weapon was wise and brave of these students who, in turn, may have helped save the lives of fellow students and teachers. Within five minutes of receiving the information, school officials contacted the resource police officer and located the gun.

Published on:

By David M. Baum, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20building%20blocks%20plprj.jpgIn Illinois and other States, day care centers have a duty to supervise the needs of very young children (infants and toddlers). Families and single parents alike rely on day care centers so that parents can work their jobs or attend school to better themselves. Infants and toddlers, due their age, size, immaturity, and poor judgment need supervision and care commensurate with their needs and abilities.

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By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

household%20apartment%20building%20brick%20windows.jpgIn Bronx, New York and other cities, apartment complexes and condominiums pose certain hazards for children. In particular, child suffer serious personal injuries including fractures, brain damage, and wrongful death from falls out of apartment / condominium windows. Many apartment buildings have windows that can be accessed by a toddler. It is important for parents, caregivers, and the landlord to provide for the safety needs of the child. Child proof locks and safety bars or gates can help prevent injury. Alarms can also be installed to alert a parent or caregiver that a window has been accessed or tampered with. While these safety measures and others are helpful, close parental supervision can help prevent many fall related injuries from apartment / condominium windows.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

fist%20closed%20fist%20black%20and%20white.jpgIn Alaska and other states, teenagers often times bully, assault, and attack younger children. Police in Galena, Alaska arrested two teenagers who attacked a 5 year old boy and shoved gravel and dirt into the small child’s mouth. Police arrested Trevor John Settle and Alexander Bede Solomon on charges of felony assault. The incident was reported to authorities by the 5 year old mothers. The child was evaluated and treated at the Nollner Clinic in Galena.

Published on:

By Roy S. Dickinson, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Playground%20see%20saw%20sign%20day%20care%20negligence.jpgIn Oklahoma and other states, day care centers must comply with safety rules and regulations pertaining to playgrounds. Every day, children are injured on day care playgrounds through the country. Some personal injuries are unavoidable accidents while others result from improper supervision, negligence, bullying on the playground, and / or negligent construction, design or maintenance of the playground equipment. Section 22 (c) Outdoor safety and play equipment – Playground safety requires day care centers to follow certain regulations as to playground safety. Day care centers should keep children off of the playground area when weather conditions pose a significant health risk. Children should be well hydrated before any physical activity like playground play. The playground equipment itself should be sturdy, of safe construction, free from hazards, easy to clean, and kept in good repair. Playground equipment should be free from protrusion hazards like exposed nails, screws, and splinters. Equipment should be securely anchored to prevent tipping of equipment.

Published on:

By David M. Baum, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Illinois and other States, children are injured in day care centers every day. Many injuries would have been prevented if the day care center properly supervised the children and properly maintained the facility, play materials, equipment, and furnishings. Pursuant to the Illinois Administrative Code, Title 89 – Social Services – Chapter III Department of Children & Family Services Rules (including licensing standards) Subchapter E (Requirements for Licensure) Part 407 – Section 407.380, equipment and materials for both indoor and/or outdoor use shall be appropriate for the age and developmental needs of the children. Play materials shall be safe, durable, and free from hazardous chemicals, sharp edges, rough edges, and toxic paint. Day care center caregivers and administrators should think safety before an incident ever takes place. It should not take a personal injury or wrongful death of a child in an Illinois day care center for a facility to wake up and start working on its safety measures, policies, or procedures. If a child suffers personal injuries in an Illinois day care center, it is often helpful to have the advice and representation from an Illinois child injury lawyer / attorney to review the day care records, rules and regulations, medical records, and bills. Parents of an injured child deserve legal representation to make sure that compensation is duly paid and to help prevent injuries or incidents from taking place in the future to other children in the day care center.

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