Articles Posted in Abuse & Neglect

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By Will Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Ohio and other States, day care workers have the responsibility to supervise children. It is vital that day care workers stay calm and think of the best interests of the children when performing their duties. In Dayton, Ohio, it was reported that a day care worker punched a four year old boy in the chest causing him to fall down. In many instances, it comes down to the word of the day care worker versus the word of the child. A 4 year old boy’s testimony is not always reliable or accurate. In this case, another teacher witnessed the incident. As a result of this evidence, misdemeanor assault charges were filed against Sherra Howard, a 25 year old day care worker who apparently lost her composure punched the child and then proceeded to spank him as well. The day care center was operated by the YMCA. The CEO of the YMCA issued a statement about the incident. You can read this statement and more about this story at Ohio Day Care Center – Day Care Worker Punches and Spanks Child.

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By Kevin Leach, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

U.S.%20State%20Map%20Virginia.jpgIn Richmond, Virginia, Keishawn L. Whitfield, age 23, was recently convicted on charges of Involuntary Manslaughter and Child Neglect. In the Summer of 2009, Mr. Whitfield left a 13 month old child unattended in a day care center van. Whitfield’s attorneys argued that it was a mistake and inattention rather than a crime to leave the child in the day care center van. Tragically, the child died as a result of being left in a hot vehicle in the Virginia summer heat. The child was enrolled in the Yellow Brick Road Day Care and Learning Center which was owned and operated by Whitfield’s mother.

Published on:

By Jeremy Vishno, Attorney, and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Connecticut and other States, parents rely on babysitters to watch, supervise, and care for their children. Some babysitters are experienced and very caring while others put their own interests in place of the child’s. In Bridgeport, Connecticut, a babysitter was arrested after a baby was treated at a hospital for severe head injuries. Police believe that the babysitter (Keamira Fatal – age 24) banged the baby’s head on the floor several times after the 1 year old girl disturbed the babysitter who was watching television. The babysitter reported that the baby was crying and that the babysitter did not quite know how the baby was injured. In a criminal investigation and case of this nature, forensic and medical evidence will play an important part in determining what truly happened to this defenseless child. This is especially true since the victim cannot state what happened to her and there were no witnesses at the time the injuries took place. You can read more about this story at Babysitter Faces Criminal Charges for Severe Personal Injuries to 1 Year Old Girl in Connecticut.

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By J. Rock Palermo, Attorney, and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Hazing incidents continue to be reported in Louisiana and other States across the nation. Unfortunately, high school and college students in clubs, organizations, fraternities, and even marching bands feel a need to inflict physical harm and / or humiliation as pre-requisites to get initiated or get membership in the group. It was recently reported in the Atlanta Journal Constitution that a student is suing Southern University located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana over a hazing incident that took place off campus. Southern University will argue that the incident took place off campus and that the University did not sponsor or have knowledge about the incident. The attorney for the victim may argue that there was a lack of supervision by the University and that the University knew or should have had knowledge of past incidents of hazing yet took no action to intervene. It is by no means an easy case to pursue on behalf of the victim. It will be interesting to see how the court case turns out and what information is obtained through the court case.

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By Roy S. Dickinson, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Oklahoma.jpgA former Wyandotte school teacher is facing criminal molestation charges. In Ottawa County (Oklahoma), District Attorney Eddie Wyant stated that the charges stem from molestation allegations against two former students of Brian Matthew Rash, now age 38. Mr. Rash was arrested in Missouri and will be extradited back to Oklahoma to face these charges. According to a news story posted at the Oklahoman Newspaper Website – –, two students have come forward with allegations that Rash molested a number of times. One child reported that the incidents took place when he was between the ages of 10 and 13. The other child reported that the molestation began when he was in the 5th grade. Police investigators even obtained an Affidavit from Rash’s ex wife who stated that Rash “loved” one of the students and “could not imagine life without him”.

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By Scott A. Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

household%20bathtub%20faucet%20hot%20and%20cold%20burn%20injuries.jpgIn Fresno County, California, CNN reported the horrible circumstances of the death of a 4 year old boy who ultimately was found in a dryer of a nearby apartment. Alex Christopher Mercato, who was only 4 at the time, was molested, sodomized, and drowned in a bathtub by a 14 year old California boy. The 14 year old (Raul Renato Castro) has been charged as an adult. Raul told police that he killed Alex because Christopher said that he was going to tell on Raul for molesting Alex. Raul faces a criminal sentence of up to 32 years if convicted due to his age and California penal / sentencing laws.

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By Scott A. Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Vista, California, a man was recently sentenced for the crime of leaving his small child in a hot car. It is very dangerous and careless for parents to put small children in danger of hyperthermia and related problems when left in a hot car. Especially during summer months, reports of serious injuries and even deaths have surfaced when a parent, caregiver, or day care provider has mistakenly left a child in a hot car. In Vista, California, Artermio Diaz was given a jail sentence of 180 days and probation for 4 years for this crime. Mr. Diaz apparently left his son in the vehicle while he shopped for groceries. While some may argue that parents should not be arrested for such conduct, it is important for all parents and caregivers to play it safe – Do not leave any children in a vehicle. You can read more about this story – Man Sentenced for Leaving Son in the Car While Grocery Shopping.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

DrunkDriving.jpgNancy Owens and Vanessa Ramirez were at a birthday party together, where both have admitted to drinking. Ms. Owens reportedly allowed Ms. Lopez to drive her three children home, even though she admitted to police that she was aware Ms. Lopez was “drunk.”

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By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Golden Valley, Minnesota, a day care provider is being charged with the crime of malicious punishment and false imprisonment regarding discipline and corporal punishment measures allegedly put in place a day care center. Arvilla Marie Lilly Meinhardt, age 70, has been charged with these crimes. Police investigators collected evidence from the day care center in the form of large safety pins, pajamas, and a mattress with what appeared to have pin holes in it from the safety pins. Apparently, according to police and news reports, Ms. Meinhardt would use the tactic of pinning children to the mattress for years at the day care center. With the pajamas, safety pins, and mattress, it appears that Ms. Meinhardt created a straight jacket of sorts to limit or restrict the movement of the children. It will be interesting to see what other evidence and testimony are obtained on this case. Certainly, pinning a child to a mattress is dangerous and can lead to serious physical injuries. It is also demeaning and emotionally disturbing for a child to be restrained in this manner. You can read more about this story at Minnesota Day Care Provider Pinned Children to a Mattress as a Form of Punishment.

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By Ryan E. Alekman, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Drunk.jpgDaycare owner, Shannon Veradt, of Taunton, Massachusetts, was allegedly found passed out on the second floor of her home while the children she was supposed to be caring for were unattended downstairs. Her own mother had called the police because she believed her daughter was drunk and she was worried about the children. Ms. Veradt admitted that she had been drinking, saying she was stressed from her marriage. This day care owner showed “poor judgment” but is being allowed to reopen the daycare center.

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