Articles Posted in Abuse & Neglect

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By Aaron Edwards, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

US%20State%20Flag%20South%20Carolina.jpgChesnee, South Carolina daycare operator, Gena Lynn Grigg, was arrested by officers of the Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office after police said she abused a child in her care. She has been charged with unlawful neglect of a helpless person.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Traffic.jpgWhen Julie Powell picked up her children, Carter (18 months) and Konnor (3), from the Toddler Escape Drop-In Child Care in Billings, Montana, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It wasn’t until she received a call from Billings police later that night that she found out what had happened to Carter earlier that day. A passing motorist on busy Central Avenue had spotted the child wandering around in the street and returned him to the daycare center.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


The Roman Polanski case has brought out comments and opinions from politicians, public figures, movie industry executives, and celebrities including but not limited to Howard Stern. Many people find Howard Stern to be controversial. Some find him to be rude. What many do not know about Howard Stern is that there is often times a serious side or serious message to his satellite radio show played on Sirius Satellite Radio. Some times in life, it is important to pay more attention to the message rather than the messenger. Howard Stern and his on-air colleagues at Sirius were on the right mark with Roman Polanski. Rather than focus on Polanski’s life achievements, work, and talent as a director, Howard Stern focused on the crime itself. The bottom line is that Roman Polanksi raped a 13 year old girl. The crime, whether it happened yesterday or 30 years ago, warrants a prison sentence in the State of California and some justice. You can listen to Howard Stern’s comments at Howard Stern Discusses Roman Polanski Arrest. Whether you like Howard Stern or not, he happens to be right when it comes to the Roman Polanski arrest and extradition proceedings.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

FlySwatter.jpgTwo-year-old Amara Ou, of St. Johns County, Florida, was murdered in her babysitter’s Mandarin, Florida home nearly three years ago. The child was beaten with the handle of a fly swatter, and died of severe head trauma at Wolfson Children’s Hospital three days later. The babysitter, Syna Lim, 41, is a mother of two children herself. Last month a jury convicted her of first degree murder and aggravated child abuse. Ms. Lim was given the mandatory life sentence for her crimes.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Numbers.jpgFive families from Great Falls Montana believe that their special needs children were severely abused by the 7th and 8th grade special needs classroom teacher aids at North Middle School. Tragically, the children’s special needs – autism, cerebral palsy and down syndrome – prevented them from reporting the alleged abuse. Julie Parish and Kristina Marie Kallies have been charged with felony assault on a minor and misdemeanor endangering the welfare of children. Ms. Parish has been arrested but police have been unable to find Ms. Kallie.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Fire.jpgIn December 2008, an electrical space heater caused a fire at the Heavenly Angels Daycare in Alamo, Tennessee. The fire injured three children: two two-year olds and a three-year old. The children were rescued from the fire by Alamo Assistant Chief Kevin Sugg, who was off duty at the time. All three were treated for smoke inhalation, and the three-year old also had burns on his face. The owner, Kathy T. Humphrey, was charged with child abuse and neglect of a child under the age of six.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

handcuffs%20on%20white%20background.jpgThe Bay County Florida Sheriff’s office reported that a baby who suffered a head injury was wrapped in duct tape and left to suffer while his parents “tweaked” on crystal meth. The parents, John Paul Huskey and Jessica Huskey have both been charged with aggravated child abuse, and the pair may also be charged with several drug offences. According to Captain Faith Bell of the Bay County, Florida Sheriff’s office, officers also found evidence of crack and marijuana in the couple’s home.

Published on:

By Scott A. Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Conviction.jpgIt took less than one hour for a Tulare County jury to return a guilty verdict in this shocking California case. Nancy Ortiz, 24, of Orosi, California was found guilty on second degree murder and felony child abuse charges after she abandoned three of her children.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

BabyCrying.jpgA newly released US government survey, Children’s Exposure to Violence: A Comprehensive National Survey, has revealed that 60% of American children under the age of eighteen have been exposed to violence in the last year. For nearly 50% of the children, the violence came in the form of an assault. The other 10% were subject to physical and emotional child abuse, child neglect, sexual abuse and even parent abduction. Frighteningly, the study revealed that once a child was exposed to violence, they were more likely to be exposed to additional violence.

Published on:

By Kevin Leach, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

fist%20closed%20fist%20black%20and%20white.jpgIn the United States, there has been a debate for years as to the parents right to inflict corporal punishment upon their child. Some parents use corporal punishment because that is the way the parent was raised. Other use it because there is a belief that corporal punishment shows authority and to some love. Yes, some believe that corporal punishment is an act of love that parents show to their children that the parents care. There can be a number of reasons that a parent inflict corporal punishment upon a child. Many safety child advocates believe that corporal punishment is just another mode of domestic violence. Children should not be subjected to injury or harm from corporal punishment. To many, corporal punishment is just a lazy, outdated, and barbaric way to discipline a child. A study conducted by Murray A. Straus (University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire) and Mallie J. Paschall (Prevention Research Center, Berkeley, California) indicates that there may be a link or association between corporal punishment / spanking and a child’s IQ.

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