Articles Posted in Abuse & Neglect

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By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Education%20Day%20Care%20Building%20Block%20G.jpgIn New York and other states, day care operators, owners, and employees have a duty to report suspected abuse and neglect of children attending the day care program. Most states have statutes in place that require day care operators, teachers, counselors, doctors, and others to promptly report abuse and neglect. Why are such laws in place? It is simple – the laws are in place for the protection of children. A person like a day care operator does not have to witness the actual abuse or even be certain of the abuse. Most states require that the person reporting the abuse have a good faith belief or suspicion of abuse.

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By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Tennessee and other Southern states, many parents and school districts continue to use corporal punishment (as well as the threat of corporal punishment) as a means of disciplining children and students. The Tennesean Newspaper / Website had a very interesting article on the spanking / paddling / corporal punishment debate. As noted in this article, each school district in Tennessee can make the decision on whether to use corporal punishment. Some Tennessee school districts allow corporal punishment while other school districts prohibit it. Whether corporal punishment is permitted or not, school districts and parents for that matter have a duty to refrain from abusing a child. Serious personal injuries should never result from using corporal punishment, paddling, or spanking as a means of punishment or discipline. Personally, I am against the use of corporal punishment. I believe that it is an archaic, ineffective and cruel means of punishment.

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By Joshua Shulman, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Oregon.jpgIn Oregon, the Department of Human Services receives and investigates incidents of child abuse and neglect. Like many other states, Oregon has laws in place that define abuse. Abuse is defined by Oregon law by the effect on the child rather than the parent’s motivation.

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By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Virginia and other states, day care workers, child care workers, bus driver, and school employees have failed to follow proper and appropriate safety precautions in removing children from vehicles during times of extreme heat or extreme cold. A small children should never be left unattended in a vehicle no mattewr the temperature outside. It is the extreme temperatures among other causes that can lead to serious personal injuries or death for a child left unattended in a vehicle. A recent article – Day Care Vehicle Incidents Are Not Uncommon – published in the Richmond Times Dispatch Newspaper reported on incidents in which a child was left unattended in a day care vehicle. Working parents in Virginia rely on day care centers to provide for the health, safety and well being of their children. Children should be properly supervised at all time.

Published on:

By Jeremy Vishno, Attorney, and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20building%20block%20y.jpgThe Connecticut Department of Children and Families has a duty to investigate reports and incidents of child abuse, neglect, and mistreatment.

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By Sara J. Powell, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Arizona child care facilities / day care centers must comply with regulations and procedures set forth in the Arizona Administrative Code (AAC) Title 9 Health Services – Chapter 5 – Department of Health Services – Child Care Facilities. Pursuant to Section R9-5-510 – AAC – Discipline and Guidance, child care facilities / day care centers have a duty to ensure that staff members follow specified rules and procedures for guidance and discipline. A facility can define and maintain consistent and reasonable rules for guidance and discipline involving a child’s behavior in the facility. A staff member cannot use a method of discipline that could cause harm to the safety, health or welfare of the child. Corporal punishment measures are prohibited. A staff member also is prohibited from using eating, napping, sleeping or toileting as means of discipline when a child misbehaves in a facility. In other words, a staff member cannot use hot sauce to discipline a child or deprive a child of fluids or food as a disciplinary measures. Mechanical restraints are also prohibited. These rules and regulations (if followed) can help prevent injuries to child by employees who believe that force and corporal punishment are the answers to disciplinary problems. If you believe that your child has been abused or neglected in a day care center / child care facility, call an Arizona child injury lawyer for consultation as to your child’s rights under Arizona law and actions that can be taken against the facility that violates your child’s rights.

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By Thomas J. Duff, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Des Moines, Iowa, an infant is in the hospital in critical condition. The parents were arrested by law enforcement authorities for child endangerment charges. The parents, who are both 20 years old, turned themselves into authorities at the Des Moines police station. Ethan Neiderbach, who is only 7 weeks old, suffered severe head injuries and fractured ribs. Ethan was reported as being treated at Blank Children’s Hospital. The parents claim that they did not know how the child suffered such injuries. Police report that doctors have indicated that the injuries were intentionally inflicted. In a case of this nature, the reports, opinions, and examinations of the medical experts will be an important piece of the puzzle to determine the events and causes of this child’s injuries. You can read more about this story at Parents Arrested for Child Endangerment in Des Moines, Iowa for Child Endangerment Charges.

Published on:

By Joshua Shulman, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Multnomah County, Oregon, a 5 year old girl was found in the parking lot of the sheriff’s office. She then told officers that she wandered away from an abusive home. Sherirff Bob Skipper saw the girl and brought her into the building. The little girl later told police that her mother worked at nights and the little girl left out of an unlocked door. The little girl also reported problems with her mother’s boyfriend that appeared to be abusive and sexual in nature. The child will be kept in custody as an investigation is conducted by the Multidisciplinary Child Abuse Team. You can read more about this disturbing story at 5 Year Old Girl Wanders into the Safety of the Sheriff’s Parking Lot in East Portland, Oregon.

Published on:

By Benjamin A. Klopman, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Some people should never been allowed to be parents. In Maryland, Renee Bowman is one such person. She is charged with abuse and murder of two girls were were killed and placed inside a freezer. More than 3 years old, police investigators believe that Ms. Bowman killed the two girls. Prior to killing the children, it appears that both children were victims of child abuse as well. The two girls died a very tragic death. Minnet Bowman (age 9 at death) and Jasmine Bowman (age 7 at death) deserved much better from Ms. Bowman. This is an understatement in that they were allegedly murdered by Ms. Bowman. Even after death, Ms. Bowman continued to accept public benefits for the children. Obviously, these funds did not go towards any care, food or services for the children. During the girls lifetimes, Ms. Bowman proved to be a horrible caregiver who frequently locked the girls in their room and made them toilet in a bucket. You can read more about these disturbing and tragic crimes at Maryland Mother Faces Criminal Charges for Abuse and Murders of Children.

Published on:

By J. Rock Palermo, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Insurance%20contract%20documents%20liability%20stacked%20papers.jpgIn Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a child died while under the care of Wanda’s Kids World (day care center / child care center). It has been reported that Wanda’s Kids World had a liability insurance policy in effect with Colony Insurance. Recently, Colony Insurance filed a lawsuit seeking a court order to determine its obligations (if any) for the injuries / death by the child who was left unattended in a day care center van. It is position of Colony Insurance that no coverage would apply under this particular insurance policy since the incident involved a vehicle (van) which is (according to Colony) excluded under the policy. In Louisiana and other States, an insurance policy is a contract between the insurer (Colony Insurance) and the insured (Wanda’s Kids World). The contract (insurance policy) must be read to determine coverage under the policy. Attorneys are skilled in reading contracts and insurance policies to determine applicable coverage. The review of the insurance policy may require a review of applicable Statutes, Code provisions, insurance regulations, and Court rulings. In this case, Colony Insurance is seeking a court order to hopes that the Court will rule that Colony has no duty to pay or provide coverage for the wrongful death of the child who was left unattended in the vehicle.

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