Articles Posted in Abuse & Neglect

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

technology%20keyboard%20close%20up%20grey%20slim%20keys.jpgMy Space and other social networking web sites can be quite dangerous. Predators like Joshua David Threlkeld use the technology of My Space and the internet to lure teens for nude photographs and sex. Mr. Threlkeld created a profile online as Sarah – a 14 year girl named “Sarah”. “Sarah” gained the trust of other teen girls and told them that a photographer could meet them to take modeling photographs. Many teen girls were interested, posed nude, and had sex with Mr. Threlkeld. Fortunately, a concerned parent stepped forward to report the situation to police. An investigation was initiated and Mr. Threlkeld was identified and arrested. It appears that there is a pile of evidence against Mr. Threlkeld. His computer and other evidence was obtained through a search warrant of his home.

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The United States – State Department has reported that Jared Yaffe has been arrested in Brazil and has been returned to the United States. Jared Yaffe is charged with 17 counts of sexual assault and kidnapping. If convicted, Mr. Yaffe could be sentenced to 100 years in prison. Mr. Jaffe is charged with serious and most disturbing crimes where he ran a child pornography ring. He would line up baby sitters who brought him children who he subsequently molested. Authorities conducted an international investigation and search for Mr. Jaffe. Mr. Jaffe’s luck eventually ran out and he will now face charges in the United States. You can read more about this story at U.S. Man Accused in Child Molestation Ring Captured in Brazil.

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By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20New%20York.jpgIn New York and other States, school coaches are in the position of trust and responsibility. Coaches are supposed to mentor our children. Coaches are not supposed to provide alcohol or sex to children. This is basic common sense. It is also a crime no matter if the Defendant is male, female, tall, short, good looking, or ugly. In Ausable Forks, New York, the girl’s basketball coach from Holy Name School has been criminally charged with giving alcohol to a teenage boy and having sex with him. The incident took place at a Queensbury, New York hotel in March 2009.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

sports%20football%20against%20grey%20background%20sports%20related%20injuries.jpgSantiago Armijo was given a criminal sentence of probation recently for his involvement in the hazing of high school football players in New Mexico. Prosecutors

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By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In St. Paul, Minnesota and other States throughout the nation, there is a need for foster parents for children who have been put into the state system due to child neglect, child abuse, child abandonment, and other poor to non-existent parenting from a child’s biological parents. In St. Paul, Minnesota, CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Minnesota, a non-profit organization for abused and neglected children, placed 185 cardboard cut outs of children on the lawn of the State of Minnesota capital. The organization put out 185 cutouts to represent the same number of children that are placed in the Minnesota foster care system every day. Foster children rely on the State of Minnesota government for their health, safety, and welfare. Funding is always an important issue. In addition, there is always a need for volunteers and foster care parents to help with these most deserving children. You can read more about this story at Cardboard Cutouts of Children Placed to Raise Foster Children Awareness.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20North%20Dakota.jpgIn North Dakota and other States, child abuse and neglect comes in all different types and forms. Law enforcement officials in Bismarck, North Dakota are prosecuting a woman who allegedly breast fed her child while she was under the influence / drunk from alcohol. At the time of the breast feeding incident, the child was 6 weeks old. The mother (Stacey Anvarinia) is 27 years old and represented by a North Dakota attorney. Ms. Anvarinia’s attorney stated that no blood was taken at the time of the arrest. In criminal cases of this nature, the Defendant is entitled to representation and it is the State’s burden to prove the case. According to the prosecutor, alcohol was not the only factor in the prosecution of this case.

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By Anthony Ferguson, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Maine.jpgIn Maine, working parents and caregivers place their children in day care centers with both the hope and expectation that their children will be properly cared for. Day care center owners, administrators, and staff have the duty to supervise the children and protect their health, safety, and welfare. Unfortunately, some day care owners, administrators, and staff take advantage of this position of trust and use it to harm, molest, assault, and / or batter children. In Glenburn, Maine, a day care owner did just that. Ronald Earl Tewhey, age 49, was sentenced for his crimes against children. Mr. Tewhey molested a 10 year old girl who was a student at the day care center. He also molested a 17 year old girl as well.

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By Stephanie F. Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Oregon.jpgClackamas County, Oregon deputies arrested Justin B. Blackledge, age 31, for compelling a teen into prostitution, unlawful display of a child in a sex act and several counts of encouraging child sex abuse. Investigators report that Blackledge had a sexual relationship with the teenager in 2007 – 2008. During this time period, Blackledge posted explicit photographs of the teen on a website with the teen’s contact information and a list of her sexual services. There appears to be a good bit of evidence on the internet and elsewhere on Mr. Blackledge. His bail was set at $250,000. It is a shame that teens are exploited in this manner.

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By Will Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Ohio.jpgIn Ohio and Other States, the proper supervision of children is vital to their health, safety, education, and welfare. In Cincinnnati, Ohio, a mother (Jenna Martin – Age 38) was arrested after her 4 year old toddler was found wandering the streets two miles from home. The little girl was found by police officers at approximately midnight. When the police went to Ms. Martin’s home, they found Ms. Martin’s 5 year old son home alone.

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By Joseph R. Hillebrand Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Missouri.jpgInvestigators have turned over video surveillance and other evidence showing that two adults provided alcohol to a minor who later died from an alcohol overdose. Perry McClenahan, age 16, died from an alcohol overdose on April 18, 2009. Perry and other minors were provided with alcohol by adults. The minors attended Lebanon High School. Video surveillance from the store where the alcohol was purchased along with the receipt will serve as evidence in an expected criminal prosecution of this matter.

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