Articles Posted in Abuse & Neglect

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


An immigrant from Guatemala may be released in North Carolina within the next year or so due to his immigration status and lack of funds for treatment. When the man was 15 year old, he was convicted of raping his 5 year old cousin who was handicapped. It was truly a heinous crime committed by a teen who needed help. He needed treatment and intervention to try to prevent this from happening again. Since the juvenile justice system incarcerates juveniles in North Carolina until 19, there is a real risk that this criminal juvenile defendant could be released without any appreciable treatment. You can read more about this disturbing story at 18 Year Old Sex Offender May be Released in North Carolina Without Treatment.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

household%20keys%20on%20white%20background.jpgA Virginia Beach couple was arrested for leaving two children, ages 6 and 4, home alone without any supervision or babysitters. Julie Hammock and Clinton Harris, both employed by the United States Navy, left their children alone in the home. The 6 year old boy’s 1st grade teacher suspected that there was a problem at boy’s home. Thereafter, school officials called the police. The couple claimed that they did not have the money / funds for day care.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

handcuffs%20on%20white%20background.jpgChildren should respect their elders; however, no child should be physically harmed or beaten especially those under the age of 2. In Indianapolis, Indiana, Tayaun Chism (an 18 year old man) beat his girlfriend’s 14 month old toddler – Lilliana Goodman. Why did Mr. Chism beat this child? He beat the child because she allegedly disrespected Mr. Chism. The alleged act of disrespect was that the child was not eating her food as directed. What is the punishment for not eating food as directed? Mr. Chism took a belt to her for more than 1 hour. These heinous acts of abuse put the child in critical condition. The child is being treated at St. Vincent’s Hospital.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Survivors First is a volunteer from that was formed in 2002 to inform and educate victims of priest sexual abuse their treatment / recovery options. Furthermore, the mission of this group is to keep kids safe. Parents and caregivers should be aware of prior incidents and convictions especially of abusing priests in their communities. Various resources of websites on child abuse incidents and prevention are posted at the Survivors First Website.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Schools in Kansas and throughout the nation have school volunteers that assist teachers and administers with activities, lessons, special events, and field trips. A school generally benefits from the involvement of parents and school volunteers. Unfortunately, many of these volunteers use school grounds and the proximity to children as opportunities to molest, assault and sexually abuse children. Background checks of volunteers are important and can keep those who have been convicted of crimes out of the school. Unfortunately, there are a great number of child predators who have not been caughted, arrested, or convicted. Some just slip through the system. As such, it is also important for schools and concerned parents to be on the look out for child predators who slip into the school system as volunteers. I recently was sent a link by a parent of a child who was a victim of a school volunteer. The website – – is dedicated to the protection of children in the school system. The site contained trial transcripts, statutory references, and newspaper articles focusing on the problems and crimes of volunteers in the school system.

Published on:

By Andrew Prine, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Hancuffs%202.jpgA nationwide sweep of child prostitution rings resulted in the arrest of 571 people in 21 cities. In Michigan, three children were rescued from one of the prostitution rings. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) along with State and local law enforcement agencies raided the prostitution rings in an organized effort to save these children and lock up these sexual predators and offenders. Michigan law enforcement agencies participated in this sting. These agencies included the Southeast Michigan Crimes Against Children Task Force, the Ann Arbor Police Department and other agencies.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Oregon.jpgParents have a special responsibility and duty to raise their children and provide for their health, safety and welfare. Driving children around town on drugs is truly a dangerous situation. Furthermore, drug use and abuse distract from a parent’s responsibility to supervise their children. Judgment is certainly impaired from drug use. In Oregon, William and Tracy Duncan were arrested on charges of possession of meth and for child endangerment after officers found children who ranged in age from 5 to 10 years old without seat belts in the vehicle. At the time of the arrest, both parents were under the influence of methamphetamine.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

health%20medical%20cigarette%20smoking%20dangers%20to%20children%20ashtray.jpgA British mother was convicted of child cruelty (child abuse) for allowing her 3 year old to light a cigarette and smoke it. How do we know this happened? Well, there was a video of the child smoking recorded on a mobile telephone. Authorities were notified by a friend of the child’s smoking habits. Apparently, the child smoked on many occasions. The mother, Kelly Marie Pocock, claimed that she did not know about her son’s smoking. Ms. Pocock received a suspended sentence in exchange for pleading guilty to one count of child cruelty.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20classroom%20with%20blue%20chairs.jpgSpecial needs children / students need to have proper supervision and patience from teachers in Indiana and other States. In Lafayette, Indiana, a special need middle school teacher was fired by the school board for duct taping a student’s mouth shut. This truly is no way to discipline a child or make a point. It is corporal punishment – plain and simple. Pamela Dahnke, the middle school teacher, was a health and nutrition teacher. One would think that she would realize the psychological and social ramifications of such acts in Indiana.

Published on:

By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

gavel%20brown.jpgMothers are supposed to care and protect their children – not drown and kill them. Tragically, Leatrice Brewer, age 28, did just that. Leatrice Brewer pleaded guilty by reason of mental defect or diseased for crimes committed against her children. Instead of going to prison for life, she will be sent to a psychiatric facility – possibly for life. Psychiatrists diagnosed Brewer with a major depressive disorder when she killed her children. Supposedly, Brewer thought that her criminal acts were saving her children from the dangers of voo doo.

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