Articles Posted in Abuse & Neglect

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By Robert Chaiken, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

day%20cares%2C%20building%20blocks%20.jpg“Parents can never be too careful when it comes to leaving their child in the hands of any child care provider, whether it is a day care provider or a home care provider,” CPS spokeswoman Shari Pulliam said.

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By Kevin Leach, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

day%20cares%2C%20building%20blocks%20.jpgWeare Day Care Center, located in New Hampshire, is being investigated after reports of the owner belittling the children, using physical force against them, and swearing in front of them. Prior to this investigation, Country Kids Childcare was shut down following a visit from New Hampshire government inspectors. The State of New Hampshire was investigating a complaint that children were being mistreated, while also conducting a routine licensing renewal.

Published on:

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

day%20cares%2C%20building%20blocks%20.jpgThere are many factors that parents should consider when sending their children to a day care center. A website is located at The website provides parents with valuable information regarding Texas day care centers and child care centers. It has information on day care centers located in cities and towns in the State of Texas. By typing in a city’s zip code or the center’s name, anyone can find the information they need about the particular day care center they are researching. Once on the site, a person can research inspections performed at any center and if the center was given any citations. Reports done by the inspectors are also available.

Published on:

By Will Brown, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

day%20cares%2C%20building%20blocks%20.jpgQuinetta Tubbs, owner of NaNa’s Day Care in Ohio, was charged with child endangering and obstructing official business after leaving a two-year-old Micah Davis at Clippard Park following a field trip. Tracy Davis, Micah’s mother, was informed of the incident by Tubbs. Thereafter, Tubbs asked the mother to lie to the police and tell the police that the child was at a birthday party. Tubbs was released on a $1,000 bond. Child and Family Services is investigating NaNa’s Day Care, but the mother said she does not want to press charges.

Published on:

By Will Brown, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Ohio.jpgAlisha Schlagenhauser, a 27-year-old woman, was charged with assaulting an autistic child in Wildwater Kingdom in Aurora, Ohio. Witnesses said Schlagenhauser was drunk when she was seen yelling and hitting the child. She was also seen dragging him by his harness through the park so forcefully that she caused him injury.

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By Sara Powell, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

day%20cares%2C%20building%20blocks%20.jpgQuest Alliance, a day care center for special needs children located in Phoenix, Arizona, is charged with negligence for the second time after 6-year-old Tanner was left in a hot van, in the middle of the day, for more than an hour.

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By Sctott Zahler & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

day%20cares%2C%20building%20blocks%20.jpgAngeles Westmorland, a teacher at a day care teacher in Paulding County, Georgia, was charged with battery after she allegedly bruised and scratched a 5-year-old boy all over his body.

Published on:

By Will Brown, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Ohio.jpgAn unfortunate incident recently took place at the University of Cincinnati (Ohio). It was reported that Everette Howard, an 18 year old student, died as a result of injuries sustained by a Taser gun used by campus police. It was reported that Everette was attempting to break up a fight at the time. It is expected that a full investigation will be completed and then be summarized in a written report since a death resulted from this incident. There appeared to be several witnesses to the incident. The use of force by a police officer is permitted under certain circumstances. In particular, if the health safety and welfare of the police office and / or others are put at risks – force is often times utilized. There are particular policies and procedures in place for each police department as to the use of force including the use of Taser guns. The incident will be reviewed to determine if protocols and criteria were met with respect to the facts and circumstances of this incident.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

7387225-7387225-slippery-when-wet.jpgIt has been said that good weather may increase a risk of injury to children. The B.C Children’s Hospital and B.C Ambulance Service have recorded a list of summer safety tips for parents and caregivers.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Education%20Day%20Care%20Building%20Block%20G.jpgAccording to the U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission and the American Academy of Pediatrics, infants can suffer from injuries or even deaths due to improper crib and sleeping arrangements. The U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission explains what safety precautions parents should take when putting their infants to sleep.

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