Articles Posted in Crimes Against Children

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By Jonathan Safran, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

household%20bed%20injury%20death%20child.jpgIn yet another case of unfortunate and preventable deaths, a two month old baby has died due to being smothered while sleeping with an adult. For the third time in two months, an infant has died in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as a result of what is known as co-sleeping or bed-sharing. The Milwaukee Health Department has documented that between 2004 and 2007, 72 of 120 Milwaukee infants who have died have done so when sharing a bed with parents, other children or caregivers. Due to the growing concern of this phenomenon and the recent deaths, the City of Milwaukee Health Department has launched a safe sleep awareness campaign by posting a demonstration on YouTube, preparing videos. issuing guidelines for safe sleep and preparing pamphlets for distribution.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

fist%20closed%20fist%20black%20and%20white.jpgBullying is a problem that is present in day care centers, elementary and middle schools, and high schools and beyond. To better deal with bullying issues, it is often helpful to study and better understand the psychology and interactions involved with bullying. A University of Florida study indicated that girls were more likely to defend bullying victims than boys. Of course, this does not mean that girls do not bully. Some of the most brutal bullying incidents both psychological and physical have been committed by girls. As noted by University of Florida researchers, there has been a lack of recognition and study of kids who try to defend victims of bullying or stop the bullying incidents from taking place or continuing. The National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Centers estimate that over 5.7 million children are involved in bullying incidents as either the bully or the victim.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

health%20medical%20baby%20hand%20injury%20trauma.jpgApple Computer recently removed a disturbing application / game from the App Store called Shaken Baby. The premise of the game involves a graphic of a baby crying. When the i phone is shaken, the baby stops crying and two red Xs then form over the baby’s eyes. It is a sick joke of a game with truly no viable punch line. While we live in a country of free speech, private companies like Apple have the ability to censor improper, immoral, and unacceptable content. While Apple for some reason initially approved this game for download, Apple eventually came to its senses and removed the game / application from the App Store.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20California.jpgA former teacher recently was sentenced to 4 years for molesting a 14 year old in a hotel room. Daniel Axtell, age 38, is a former Huntington Beach, California middle school student. In December 2008, he pleaded guilty to 6 felony counts for lewd acts on / with a 14 year old. Axtell met the girl at Talbert Middle School in Orange County, California. Like many child predators / sex offenders, Axtell gained the trust of the child and her family. During a two month period in 2005, Axtell took the girl to hotel rooms for sex. The acts were calculated and planned. Certainly, Axtell knew that he was breaking the law but this did not stop his illegal and immoral acts.

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By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Schools in Arizona and other States have a balancing act to perform every day. Administrators and teachers must balance safety / order with the constitutional rights of the students. Savana Redding, a former student at Safford Middle School in Arizona, was strip searched in the school when Savana was in eighth grade. Savana is now 19 years old. School officials suspected that Savana had Ibuprofen. The search yielded no drugs whatsoever. After all of these years, Savana’s case is still pending. School officials questioned Savana and then performed the search when another student claimed that Savana gave the student prescription strength Ibuprofen. Savana sued the Safford School District. A court later determined that Savana’s constitutional rights were violated and she was entitled to compensation for her damages. You can read more about this case and other cases involving searches in schools at Strip Searches in Schools – Student Rights and Causes of Action.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Arizona.jpgPolice and law enforcement in Phoenix Arizona are conducting an investigation following the stabbing death of an 18 year old student. A Chandler high school teacher was in the center of a dispute / fight between her current boyfriend, who was also a former student, and the 18 year old according to police.

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By Stephanie F. Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

handcuffs%20on%20white%20background.jpgA Glynn County Georgia mane was recently charged with crimes of pornography and child exploitation. Harrell Hall, age 56, used his computer to make plans to meet a 14 year old according to Captain Marissa TIndale of the Glynn County Police Department. The most disturbing part of the story is that Mr. Hall is a computer technician. This is frightening in that Mr. Hall has a good bit of knowledge of computer and the internet which he has chosen to put to use by luring teenagers for meetings. While Mr. Hall communicated with what appeared to be a 14 year old girl, it is not clear if the “14 year old” was really an undercover agent. It is the intent of the criminal defendant that counts in cases of this nature. If Mr. Hall believed that he was communicating with a 14 year old, he was up to no good and is certainly a danger to other teens who may unknowingly be in danger from such predators.

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By Scott Soutullo, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

gavel.jpgInternet chat rooms serve as playgrounds for child predators looking to take advantage of children. In many instances, a child predator is able to lure the child not only out of the home but out of the child’s home state. William Joe Mitchell recently appeared in federal court and pleaded guilty to the charge of the interstate transportation of a minor for sex. Mr. Mitchell met a 15 year old girl in a chat room online and knowingly transported a child that he knew was underaged from Bartow (Polk County) Florida to Anadulsia, Alabama. These acts were in violation of Title 18, United States Code 2423 (a) which makes it a crime to transport a child under the age of 18 with the intent of having sex. Mr. Mitchell also violated Alabama law which makes it a crime for a person over the age of 16 to have sex with a child under the age of 16 when there is more than a 2 year age difference between the defendant and the child. Mr. Mitchell was 46 years old at the time of the crime. For his crimes, Mr. Mitchell faces a prison term of at least 10 years.

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By Andrew Prine, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

vehicle%20parking%20lot%20empty%20personal%20injuries.jpgPeople take their parking lot spaces very seriously. Sometimes, people put too much effort and anxiety into parking spaces. In Detroit, Michigan, a 17 year old girl was shot after her father and another man had an argument. Police reported that the argument may have been over a parking space at a Detroit Coney Island. Following the argument, two vehicles left the parking lot but the argument and tempers continued to the point that the driver of one of the vehicles (a Ford SUV) into the other vehicle that was occupied by 17 year old – Octavia McLawrence.

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

fist%20closed%20fist%20black%20and%20white.jpgSchoolyard fights and brawls have been around since there have been schoolyards. Technology and the Internet are increasingly being used to video / document schoolyard fights. Many children think it is cool to see their fight online and to show the world online their fight skills and the harm done to other children. Websites including You Tube show hits or the popularity of the video clip which encourages some children to fight and post more. A website dedicated to children safety called notes that schoolyard fights posted online and on You Tube are a problem.

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