Articles Posted in Crimes Against Children

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By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Hancuffs%202.jpgA Delaware County, Indiana mother (Sherri Feuston) was recently charged with neglect of a dependent, battery, and confinement. Prior to sending her 9 year old son to work, Feuston held down her down and scratched the b—– word on her son’s forehead. After showing up at school for derogatory graffiti on his forehead, Selma Elementary School officials contacted the police. When questioned by authorities, Feuston admitted to the incident but stated that it was just a joke. This “so called joke” got Feuston arrested and subjected her to the criminal charges.

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By Thomas J. Duff and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

451709_mobile_phone__glasses.jpgThe Iowa Department of Human Resources publishes a very important guide for Mandatory Reporters to report child abuse to this agency. A Mandatory Reporter is defined as a person who, under Iowa Law, has a legal obligation to report child abuse. Mandatory Reporters include teachers, physicians, day care owners / employees, and others. You can review the Iowa Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse for more information and details.

Published on:

By Jeremy Vishno, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

855384_hand.jpgThousands of children are abused and neglected every year in the State of Connecticut. The United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children’s Bureau reported that 13,285 incidents of child abuse took place in 2004. You can read more about these statistics and more at Connecticut Child Abuse and Neglect – Solutions to Save Lives and Prevent Crimes This figure represents the official number of incidents. Child abuse experts suggest that the actual number of abused and neglected children may actually be 3 times higher than this figure.

Published on:

By Anthony Ferguson, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

805120_maine_vacationland_1.jpgThe Maine Child Death and Serious Injury Review Panel was established by Maine State Statutes to study the causes and incidents of serious injuries and child deaths in the State of Maine. The Panel reviewed 45 deaths deaths and serious injuries that took place between 1998 and 2003. The Panel is mandated by Maine Statutes. The Panel has a very small staff and has many cases to review. When there is a child death or serious injury in Maine, a personal injury attorney and law firm can also help investigate the cause and manner of death or serious personal injury. Many children in Maine and the New England area are the unfortunate victims of serious injury or death from automobile accidents, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, bus accidents, drownings, head traumas, accident and intentional shootings, and abuse / neglect.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

655092_football_5.jpgHazing is still a serious problem in Florida and the rest of the United States. Clubs, fraternities, gangs, and sports camps all carry with them the danger of hazing. What is hazing? I guess this all depends who you ask. If you ask the hazing victim, hazing involves humiliation, degrading acts, psychological warfare, and physical abuse. If you ask the hazing criminal defendant, hazing is harmless fun that everyone had to go through in order to become part of the club, gang, or program. Like anything else, tradition is no excuse whatsoever for abusing another person. This especially applies to children.

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By Ryan E.Alekman, Attorney, Jeremey Vishno, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Christopher Bizilj, an eight year old from Ashford, Connecticut, died as a result of an Uzi sub-machine gun accidental shooting at the Machine Gun Show and Firearms Expo at the Westfield, Massachusetts Sportsman’s Club. Christopher’s father had given permission for his son to handle the gun prior to the incident. It is interesting to note that the father, Charles Bizilj, is the Director of Emergency Medicine at Johnson Memorial Hospital in Stafford, Connecticut. As such, it would appear that Dr. Bizilj has seen his fair share of gun shot wounds and injuries – both intentional and accidental type of shootings.

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By Will Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Dealing with a severely injured or dying child is very difficult and tragic. Parents typically use up their financial and emotional resources to do everything possible for their injured and / or dying child. Unfortunately, some people play off of the emotions of others and scam unsuspecting good citizens and friends for that matter out of money. In Cleveland, Ohio, Amanda Zolnowski was recently sentenced to 20 to 30 days in jail, 3 years of community control, and 200 hours of community service for defrauding others out of money for her supposedly ill child. Apparently, Ms. Zolnowski made up the fact that her daughter had leukemia to get sympathy and money from her friends, co-workers, and fellow students at Raphael’s School of Beauty. Police became involved when people became suspicious of the situation. This crime should be treated like others with imprisonment and post prison terms and conditions. See Woman Goes to Jail for Dying Child Scam. Ms. Zolnowski made up a tragedy. The real tragedies are out there and parents are dealing with them every day. If a child is injured or dies as a result of another person’s negligence or inattention, medical malpractice, or a product defect, it is helpful to have the representation of a Child Injury Lawyer.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Some people have a fear of clowns. Well, there is good reason to fear a clown named Trim Trim The Clown (otherwise known at David Albert Lemus). Lemus performed at birthday parties as a clown. He wore the big shoes, the make up and the works. He also molested children and forced them to perform sexual acts. Lemus recently pleaded guilty to molesting children and now faces 12 years in prison. If Lemus goes to prison, I would guess that his safety would be at risks from those inmates who do not have a fond appreciation of clowns who molest children at birthday parties. This California clown will be off the streets but there are plenty of other child predators out there. When arranging for a party, it is helpful to have some information from the performers and businesses. Not all companies perform adequate background checks. Furthermore, if Trim Trim never was arrested or convicted of such a crime, the parents, who arranged for the party, would have never known. With or without a background check, make sure that no children are alone with party performers. Better safe – than sorry. For all those sick clowns or others out there who have an urge to molest children, get some help and stay away from children. You can read more about this story at Fontana Area Clown Pleads Guilty to Molesting Children.

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