By Stephanie F. Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

School bus drivers and teachers have a duty to provide for the education and safety of children. When a person takes a job of such importance and responsibility, it is vital that the person is mature, ethical, and has common sense. The purpose of these supervisory jobs is to watch or care for children not date them. In various States including Georgia, there have been reports of teachers and other school employees have inappropriate relationships / sexual relationships with students. In Georgia, the age of consent for sexual intercourse is 16 years old; however, there are exceptions to the law if an adult has a supervisory position like a teacher or bus driver over the student. In Union County, Georgia, Jacqueline Connally, age 22, was recently arrested for having an alleged inappropriate relationship with a student according to a story posted in the Atlanta Journal Constitution Newspaper website. At the time of the incident(s), the student was 16 years old. Another student had reported the relationship to authorities. The news story did not report what evidence other than this testimony would be presented to support the charges. In other cases throughout the nation, valuable evidence was presented after obtaining records from mobile phones an Internet Service Providers as well as from sites like Facebook. There are often times an electronic trail of evidence to support these crimes / inappropriate relationships. Teachers and other school district employees should focus on their jobs and date or avoid inappropriate relationships or the appearance of inappropriate relationships with students.