Articles Posted in Education

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By Jeremy Vishno, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Three bus loads of middle school students in Litchfield, Connecticut were recently in a bus accident. The students were returning home from a field trip at White Memorial Conservation Park when a chain type of reaction crash took place. The last bus in the convoy failed to stop and crashed into the bus stopped in front of it. Nineteen students were treated for injuries but it does not appear that there are any serious personal injuries at this time. While traveling a convoy increased the visibility of the school buses, this mode of travel can also involve many of the students on multiple buses when an accident takes place. Parents were notified of the crash. While the crash was reported in various news papers and media outlets, the crash fortunately did not involve any deaths or tragedies to speak of. The crash does illustrate the importance of school driver safety, attention, and speed. Rear end automobile accidents, trucking accidents, and bus accidents typically result from inattention and excessive speed. It is especially important for school bus drivers to proceed with caution, care, and the utmost consideration of the health, safety, and welfare of the students on the bus. See Children Injured from Rear End Crash – 3 Buses Involved in Connecticut.

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By Joseph R. Hillebrand Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

764110_library.jpgNews reports out of Normandy, Missouri indicate that as many as 50 teenagers may have been exposed to the virus that causes AIDS. The school district is currently consulting national AIDS organizers to try to minimize the scare and rumors associated with such a situation. In addition, it is vital that parents, AIDS activist, teachers, and students minimize activities that may increase the spread of the AIDS virus. You can read more about this situation at Normandy Missouri High School AIDS Scare

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