By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
In Maryland and other States, acts of bullying have been caught or recorded on videotape, iPhones, Droids, videocameras, and surveillance video. Some bullies know that there brutal acts are being recorded and some do not. Some bullies even post their exploits to Facebook, You Tube, and other Websites for the whole world to see. It is unfortunate that bullying is still common in schools, day care centers, camps, sports teams, and elsewhere. Over the past few years, there appears to be more of an awareness of bullying and the passage of policies, procedures, regulations, and laws against bullying; however, bullying persists and comes in many forms including those that cause serious physical injuries and / or serious emotional harm. When a parent obtains videotape proof of bullying or a confirmed Incident Report of bullying, the parent is then faced with the issue of whether or not to puruse a claim or case seeking compensation for the harm caused by the acts of bullying. This is not an easy decision especially if the child victim is still enrolled in the school, day care center, camp, or other facility / location where the bullying acts took place. Furthermore, it is also complicated if the bully and the child victim continue to attend the same school or facility.