Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
By Andrew Baker, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
In Ohio and other States, day care centers have a duty to properly staff and supervise children under the care of the day care center. When corners are cut and rules are violated, children can and do get hurt. Many such personal injuries sustained by children at a day care center are avoidable. At any given day care center, there are dangers for small children. Even a mop bucket can be dangerous to a small child. Yes, that’s right, a small child could drown in full mop bucket when there are no caregivers around to properly protect the child. There are also electrical hazards to children. There are many reports in which a child wanders out of a facility and into a nearby street or parking lot. This could have fatal consequences. Again, many such incidents take place due to staff and supervision issues. A watchful eye, common sense, due diligence, and a sense of caring can go a long way to providing for the health, safety, and welfare of children in the day care setting.
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
In the State of Washington and other States, schools and day care centers transport our most precious and important passengers – our children. In doing so, the school and day care center drivers have a legal responsibility to drive in a safe manner, obey traffic regulations and signs, and otherwise use their best efforts and judgment to get the children from one place to another. One of the easiest tasks is the responsibility to make sure that all children are removed from the bus at the appropriate stop and certainly by the end of the run. While this is a somewhat simple task, it is one that is commonly overlooked by day care center / school bus drivers and attendants. It certainly requires more that merely checking the rear view mirror or completing a quick glance towards the back of the van or bus. A school bus driver should conduct a visible sweep of the school bus. In other words, a school bus driver should safety park the bus and then get out of his or her seat and walk from the front of the bus or van and look in every seat and aisle all the way to the back and make sure that all children are removed from the bus. It is also a good way to see if any children left any items on the bus like book bags, books, lunches, sports equipment, mobile phones, etc. It is also a good idea to conduct a visible sweep two times for good measure. If there is both a school bus driver and an attendant, then it is recommended by some school and child safety experts that each person (the school bus driver and the attendant) conduct the visible sweep of the bus.
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Here is a simple but important question: Should day care centers provide constant care and supervision during sleep time or nap time? The answer to this question is Absolutely Yes! That’s right the answer has an exclamation point at the end because it is so important that child care centers and day care centers have trained staff in place that recognize the risk and dangers during nap time and sleep time for infants and toddlers. Without any child of child care training, one would think that the safest place for a child or a baby is in a crib during sleep time. The truth is that many children every year suffer personal injuries and even die during sleep or nap time due to inadequate supervision, improper sleep position, and the presence of blankets, stuffed animals and other soft objects left in the crib or sleeping area.